
Friday, October 28, 2011

Rapture/Elenin Alert ...

     If you read my blog you know I am convinced the Rapture is upon us. I have more information ... these are notes I took from a radio program. The participants are:
Mr. Comet Watch (CW) - Very adept in astronomy, he is following the many celestial events going on right now. The real bonus is that he's a Christian. You will go far and wide to find a Christian who knows anything whatever about these happenings.
Marshall Masters (MM) - A New Age person who is extremely knowledgeable about the Cosmos; also very familiar with the histories kept by the Egyptians, Sumerians, Hopi, Maya, etc., all of which have prophecies that conjunct with Bible prophecy. I normally have only a cursory knowledge of pagan prophecies, but these events seem to be covered extensively in their prophecies and shed some interesting information.
Larry Prescott (LP) - I have no idea who this third participant is, but he was raised as a Christian and has shed that faith and become a New Ager. (Pray that he will rediscover his faith in the short time left.) He knows the subject of astronomy.

     I took verbatim notes of this, but you will understand after reading it why I am spending so much time on research and little on writing. I am extremely cautious about what I say about the Rapture, but I am firmly convinced that the events about which you are about to read is the work of the Lord Himself. He wants our attention. If I am incorrect in my assessments then call me a fool - but if I am correct, I am presenting my findings and opinions because I believe the Lord wants us to know what is happening. He told us to watch. It amazes me how Christians are waiting for all this to happen - in theory - but somehow they don't connect the Bible prophecies to "real life things such as weather, sun and cosmic activity," as if it isn't really 'real.' But, then, that's just me :-)  My comments are in red, bracketed.

     I would highly recommend that you watch this 6-minute video called The Grand Alignment before reading the interview. In 6 minutes I understood more than I did in all of the science classes combined when I was in school...of course that was half a century ago and things have changed. The video gives us a foundation on which to know what they are discussing. There are three 6-minute videos highlighted below that I recommend you watch before reading the interview;  it will greatly enhance your understanding of what they are talking about. Also listed are some of the numerous other events that have happened in the past seven days. There are videos on all of these (plus more), which you can see at the same place as the links to the other three. The thing I love about this guy (Mr. Comet Watch) is that his videos are generally very short.

10/4/11 …6 minute video: The Grand Alignment  (Every 25,800 years)
10/21/11 … 6 minute video: Update on Objects --- Shows Comet Honda; Asteroid YU55 (which will be near Earth than the moon on 11/8 @ .8 LD);  plus shows Elenin; and shows the two mystery objects – The Nephews.  These are all discussed, and it’s very helpful to have a clue where they are in the sky._________
10/20/11  .. a comet hit the sun
10/21/11 .. there was a 7.6 earthquake in the Kermadic Islands
                  … Jupiter aligning
10/22/11 … many swarms (small earthquakes) all over the world
                   … Satellite fell to earth
                  … Earth-directed solar flare
10/23/11 … Mt Etna erupts as solar flare arrives
10/24/11 … Scientists backtrack and say Elenin is here (after saying they couldn’t see it)
               Earth enters Elenin gas cloud in 6 days_________________
10/25/11 … Elenin Update and ... The 2 Nephews … Shows the three objects we are most interested in: Elenin & The Two Nephews (possibly Nibiru, which may be a part of the Planet X system – those are the 2 nephews)
10/26/11 …  Announcement of World Tsunami Exercise on 11/9/11
10/28/11 … Turkey Earthquakes – very high magnitude, can’t remember exact
              … Peru Hit With 6.9

Here is the interview:
CW: Elenin. We had two astronomers on our show 22/23rd…they did two days of snapshots so they could compare them; they detected a gas cloud and put it up on Space Weather…had a blue halo and was tracking with the JPL model…they determined it was remnants of Elenin, the item we’re tracking on our video on Stereo A. It isn’t just a gas cloud; it has an interior solid mass. Today they had the same images on the infrared [you can only see it with infrared], and it was short on one end and fat on the other end … so we’re tracking it.
LP: This reckons back to when we were predicting this gas, and someone pointed out that it was hydrogen cyanide, and now CW is saying the same thing. The other thing is the electrical nature of it, and being blue … it’s so interesting that on 11/8 it comes within 200,000 miles of earth and you hear nothing about it. No fanfare. [He's pointing out that NASA, JPL, & the media either lie or say nothing whatever about any of this.]
LP: Frequency, severity…there’s quite a number of them out there right now, and NASA picks and chooses what they want to report. What’s causing all this?
CW: It goes back 2-3 weeks ago to a video “The Grand Alignment” (video link above) on 12/21/12 is discussed. We know the 9th Wave (of the Mayan Calendar) ends on 10/28/11, but the actual alignment is on that day 12/21/12. We’re not part of the Milky Way; we are IN the Milky Way, but we are a sub galaxy of the Sagittarian Galaxy. We’re colliding at an opposite angle with a wing of the Milky Way. The scientists took an infrared telescope and mapped all the MW stars in infrared spectrum; I used their map on the video…and it’s like two saw blades coming into each other at different angles. I don’t see how we’re even here now. There’s so much collision going on it will blow your mind. That explains why we’re having all this bombardment, and it’s also increasing what I call galactic heat – or solar heat – friction does that  …. And as you come closer to these objects they’re combining heat.  So we have multiple forces at play, but this Grand Alignment I think is the key to the whole thing.
MM: Even more so than anything else we’ve been looking at? Planet X? Elenin?
CW: It’s the cause of all of that. If you look at that video you will be amazed at how we’re even still alive. We’re coming into such a stream of debris. It’s amazing. The hand of God is on this.
MM: We’ve got a lot of friends out there….they’re rooting for us. Zeta Talk … she’s out there channeling the Zetas all the time. [these are his New Age channeler friends]… did a video on ‘we’re going to be passing through the gas tail," and you were concerned about it because it’s a deadly toxic gas. Is there enough concentration to be a genuine concern?
CW: We don’t know that. We just got that information a day and a half ago. They confirmed it. So all we can do is speculate. In the beginning what they were talking about was the blue glow as Elenin was incoming. They can determine by the color, the type of gas. And if you read back on the blue – and on the cyanide – that’s what that blue comes from.
Some of the things that are different now (from 1910, Halley’s comet, which also had hydrogen cyanide) – if I can point them out – is that we have the largest hole in our upper atmosphere ever recorded. The shields are down; that hole is larger than the continental United States. Last night we had a solar blast that struck our atmosphere - and the 'Boulder K Index' (?) registered, I think a 7. Explains why we’re having this strange bombardment  They were having red and orange auroras in Alabama and Mississippi. Red indicates the strongest type. Normally you have your blue and green shades. Red is the strongest type of energy when it penetrates. We also had a compression of our atmosphere from it. If you’ll look at the latest video I did this afternoon after the show – it’s called “Elenin and the 2 Nephews.” (on above list)  --  You’ll see the compression effects on the video from NASA. It’s amazing. It’s the 2-day old SECCHI images as it approached our atmosphere.
People have asked why is the 28th so important, with the alignment of Jupiter when we do it every 11 years?  Well, this time, we also have an asteroid, a comet, Elenin, a planet system; Jupiter is not in a perfect circle in its orbit. It has an elliptical orbit, and the difference between its closest approach to the sun on one orbit, and then the orbit now is 50 million miles. We won’t be this close to Jupiter again until 2022. Then, you’ve got your solar flares, our shields are down (ozone layer), we’ve got the magnetic pull of Jupiter. Now ThePhoenix3333 (a YouTube guy) is very sharp and he’s talking about a binary twin to our sun, and that’s why we’re seeing the images as they appear on the SECCHI 2 images. If you look at the reversed gray ones, and the tail that’s on this thing; it’s not visible [without infrared]. It makes a lot of sense to me, but our shields are down, it’s our closest approach to Jupiter, we’re in a solar maximum – that’s why it’s all different. 
LP: Do you see that as having an effect on the Mt Etna eruptions? The Turkey EQs?  For the longest time there was all this speculation that Elenin or something near it.... Is it a geomagnetic effect or something external that is manifesting in what’s going on, on the earth?
CW: It’s a combination of things. And none of them are good. We’re in a solar maximum, our shields are down. Now you’ve got to understand the way the earth heats up. When the earth receives energy from the sun we receive it as high frequency. The waves are very short and powerful, if you look at them sideways.  They can penetrate the upper atmosphere. The earth and the surface of the earth, the oceans, they absorb this. And as it’s released, it’s released slowly and in a low frequency – or slow wave pattern. Now as you build up, if you’ve got chemtrails, if you’ve got greenhouse effect, and you have heavy bombardment it’s called a “global or solar equilibrium” that we release at low frequency at the same rate that we receive at high frequency – and we’re not doing that.  So, as we’re heating up, the atoms inside the earth, and dealing especially with Elenin if this thing turns out to be a variant star with a totally different magnetic field, you could have an incredible density. But, we’re dealing with it on that level also, so we’re dealing with Jupiter, with solar maximum, and this heat is exactly the maximus rising and if you’ll notice in the northern hemisphere, Jupiter is in the northern hemisphere at night. It’s the brightest star in the sky. And that’s where our earthquakes started from Turkey, and they’re coming around [the Ring of Fire]. It’s just something to watch. We’re being affected by all things at one time.  That’s very unusual, and it’s a high mark on what to watch for.
MM: So what you’re saying is that under normal circumstances hydrogen cyanide gas is a non-starter. But, given the fact that we have this convergence of so many peculiar factors it’s something to seriously keep in mind?
CW: We don’t know what the effects of the gas will be, but just like you have gas in a fluorescent light and you apply voltage it will ignite. And if this thing glows blue from hydrogen cyanide, what would be the spark? What if we were going through this gas cloud at the same time we were receiving a solar CME? We went off the charts on radiation today. Actually, the blue star is the warning sign.[more about this later] And what if everything in the sky just started glowing blue and we were having these giant auroras? I think it would open a lot of eyes, and that’s a possibility, so this blue gas could kill everything on earth. [1/3 of the grass was burned up….?]
MM: In other words, it’s the show.[warning signs from God]
CW: It very well could be. Isn’t that what you guys talked about?.
LP: This is kind of déjà vu for me.  One of the things that we kicked around on this – and again, we were speculating, and I never realized how on target we could have been…Do you know if this hydrogen cyanide cloud will have a polarity?
CW: Today, if you look at the updated images on – from the New Mexico astronomers that took the images in the infrared spectrum today, and it showing that one side is heavier than the other so the polarity will be determined on that object, but you should go and look at the new infrared images of that gas cloud. There’s an object there that’s not showing up, unless you go to infrared. It looks just as big as the object we’re looking at on SECCHI – you know, the gray images on the reversal, as it’s climbing? And to date everybody was trying to point out – and it’s so strange that we can talk about EQs and volcanoes and everything’s real good [with the Powers That Be, NASA, JPL, etc] … you mention Elenin, and you get attacked on your channel, but then YU55 (an asteroid) and the video I posted before the show, it’s called “Elenin and the 2 Nephews.” we point out it’s nowhere near the track/path of YU55, and it now has turned left, coming back over Earth just like Elenin would.
LP: On JPL it showed YU55 coming in…and amazingly they’re saying it’s coming in, inside Moon orbit. It’s one thing passing inside the Moon orbit, but it looks like it’s not passing that far from the Moon. Is there a level of risk there as well, or is that unwarranted?
CW: Well, I think…isn’t it listed as .9 or .8 LD, which is less than one lunar distance?
LP: It’s .85 distance from YU55 to the Earth, but what I’m saying is if you look at that video you’ll see how, when it’s coming in Moon orbit and then crossing back out, it’s like running just behind the Moon. I just thought that was a little bit close, that’s all.
CW: You’re right on, because what you’re going to have is all of a sudden as it gets closer, just like you have when a comet comes in around the Sun, it uses that to throw it back out into orbit, the gravity. And so that points out that when you get an object that close incoming, the gravity of the earth and the moon are going to change its track. And it’s going to be pulled into it just like a sun-diving comet, and that’s just going to be one of the things we’re looking out for. It could be big; that thing I think is 180 meters, which is almost two football fields.
LP: Is it true then that the current trajectory of the gas cloud is blowing across YU55 right now, and outside orbit toward the earth. Is that true?
CW: I don’t know.
LP: That could have the effect of blowing it outward, and we don’t need that much of an affect any more. I saw that as well, and I thought that was kind of interesting and I looked it up, and it is in that type of trajectory, but I can’t be sure. Maybe I’m wrong.
CW: That’s a good point, but what I’m saying is there’s going to be so many things happening so fast we’re not going to be able to keep up with them. We would need a 20-team staff on a cable news channel – live 24/7
LP: It seems like an amazing congruence of events. It’s almost like it’s scripted. It’s just weird.
CW: Well, we’re that generation. And a lot of people will know what I’m saying when I say that. We’re the last generation. What can you say? That’s what the Bible says….
MM: One thing all the prophecies (Hopi, Mayan, etc.) say is that it’s going to sneak up on you…You won’t see it coming. It will look like a second sun in the sky. Let’s talk about the Hopi Prophecy. The Blue Star Kachina is the harbinger. It gives you a good shaking (earthquakes); but it’s the Red Star Kachina that’s really going to rock and sock. If this is the Blue Star/Red Star Prophecy, the Red Star will be something like Planet X. Right now, our position on these bodies is they could be anything. What is unquestionable is that our sun is responding wildly to them. Now, Elenin is going to be coming during this period of time; it’s going to be passing us close by. The Hopi Prophecy says that “the Blue Kachina will unmask itself when it dances … which means we don’t see it coming.  All of a sudden – boom – It’s there, and it’s front and center stage. What could actually cause Elenin, if it is the Blue Kachina, to unmask? And there are other prophecies that say that a “dwelling place in the sky will fall.”  [Lucifer being thrown to earth?] What could unmask a blue object suddenly?
LP: The obvious. If that gas could ignite or illuminate in some way…again, like déjà vu … I had this discussion with Richard. I asked him specifically what color it would glow. I thought he would give me along answer, he’s so detail-oriented, and he said, “Blue.” That would be huge if this all appeared in the sky – considering how close all of it would be! And then that starts the chain of events if you want to go with Hopi Prophecy…they talk about a dwelling place in the sky will fall, and back then we even talked about how that could be the ISS [International Space Station]. But now, with everything that’s happening….Then it goes on to talk about the disasters and the ‘fire in the sky’ which could be meteors, CMEs, whatever.
MM: LEO … Low Earth Orbit: 150-1200 miles above the earth.  Manned ISS orbits from 173-286 miles above the earth…there are millions of small debris up there in that area…Rosat and ERS2: bus-size satellites that crashed down…walk me through a possible scenario for this fall…guesstimate
CW: Possible scenario that could cause ignition of the gas cloud…earth is just going through the tail end..say you have an asteroid or any object … we have 20-30 objects in close proximity right now…a CME and meteorite, say happen at the same time…and there’s a spark and you see the Blue Star…falling house…. CW asks Question: Hopis talking about 28th being significant……they talk about 2 nephews…there ARE two coming toward earth in parallel, trailing Elenin, and they’re coming fast … no one is naming them…[Elenin/Planet X]
MM:  This is in the Blue Star video…there are objects in the video that are moving in parallel … called two nephews … family … Chat room point made: laser effect  …
CW: Phoenix 3333 says it may be a binary star (twin) to our sun…we’ve had these giant CMEs … the last one today looks like a laser beam … It appears that this object we’re tracking has a direct effect on the sun… more than just EM pull like a planet and sun would have…11/22/11 the earth would be directly in that laser beam path…just like it was 3/15 when we had Japan quake
MM: Two threats then…dust trail/gas trail…In the video I remember we didn’t see it as a concern, but with all you are telling me and so many things happening all at once…plenty of things that could fire it up…we could see a celestial event. We ARE seeing a celestial event right now.
CW: We’re not privy to the tools our gov’t has, that we’re paying for…tremendous EQs, volcanic activity, tsunamis…. Plus this…It’s amazing we’re still here.
MM: No coverage in the media, and if so, they laugh at it. We get the check, not the steak.
CW: The irony in the situation …God is in control…the different rays of the sun can affect DNA structure…Annunaki did DNA changes to manipulate man…[angels cohabiting with humanity before Noah] TPTB have spent all our money and built bunkers…our DNA is changed as this light comes through, and we’re spiritually awakened…They could come out Unenlightened, and they wouldn’t be where we’re at, and we might have to put them in a FEMA camp….(laughter)
MM: The only way the Elites can survive it is under heavy sedation.
LP: Hopi prophecy says those that survive will do it in a spiritual manner; those that seek physical shelter will be destroyed.
CW:  The Bible says we’ll be changed in the twinkling of an eye… If you’re not part of it, it backfired on you. So be it.
LP: DNA changing…this could do what Jesse says…but you’re getting into religious dogma.
CW: It is severe, but it could be a possibility.
MM. I don’t think it’s speculation; it’s history. I published the Kolbrin …destiny comes to those who listen…we were vetting Sitchin…I wasn’t buying it; I wanted hard data…they told me Just Read It. But I felt there needed to be other folklore….Egyptians….the Jews… Torah…it describes the Destroyer (Egyptians, too)…seems no matter which one you buy into, the story is the same. Here’s what they said. The process is the ‘great winnowing.’  The ancient Egyptians said those who survived will not go down to destruction; it takes moral fiber to survive it.  Reproduction stops…GOD?? [we will be like the angels; no marriage in heaven?] It also said people dropped like flies – even died from fright. I got corroboration (from the occult)…they described it almost exactly like what we're seeing, the sequence of storms, EQs, etc. from 6-12 months out. What about the DUMBS [underground bases for the elite]? They (Egyptians etal) knew all about that; “they won’t do any better there … a lot of them will be crushed w/the pole shift.” Solar is the principal threat. Watch “Knowing” … at the end. A bunch will survive – above and below. You can’t survive the solar in the physical … we may be dealing with the spiritual [for Christians].
CW: God gives us discernment. I always go to science – but the Bible first. God is never wrong. I studied world religions in college. God created the very universe we are studying.
LP: This is the first time the global emergency system drill has occurred; odd that it is happening the morning after YU55 comes through. Seems a strange time to test the system.  We’re talking about a global calamity potential.
CW: It’s a global awakening.
MM: I’m going to do a video on the “Occupy” movement. I see this as a “consciousness” event (he’s a New Ager). There’s no hierarchy; no one is in charge; people are asking serious questions. For years we have been waiting for such an event. We are tied to solar activity … the junk DNA can alter the behavior of the other DNA. Look at the Indigo children, Mensa … I believe in evolution. We’re moving from homo sapien to homo spiritual. I dread this thing that’s coming
CW: The positive I think about is we were spiritual beings in the beginning … and it’s a return home. All of the fireworks are God’s way of getting our attention. To get us to look up. There’s a higher calling, and we’re being called.
LP: “Frequency” … a book by Penny Pierce… is it true that the earth and its solar system is approaching a type of energy that is being emitted from the Milky Way... raising the energy of everyone, unenlightened as well, the entire consciousness of the planet. People have no choice.
CW: That’s exactly right. Are you prepared to take advantage of it, or will you be surprised by it? That’s the important thing. It matches our movie “The Grand Alignment” perfectly. On 12/21/12 the earth is in the center of the MW (?)…on that day of the Winter Solstice the sun comes between the earth and the center point of the galaxy.
MM: A lot of people are looking up these days.  He was watching “Watchers III” and they were asking me some things. I’ve been watching these 2 suns in the sky videos for years. We ran articles about them on Yowusa…we knew there were disinfo ops putting things on the Internet, and they desensitized the public, so people would learn to react a certain way, dismissive. This time I’m seeing genuine reporting (not by the gov’t or media). People are emotionally impacted by all this. Involved. That’s what I’m seeing. But they are still responding to the media disinfo out there; it has now gone from planting disinfo to debunking information. They usually show a lot of movement in their videos; it’s a clue. By doing that it makes it really hard for people to really analyze what they’re reporting. It’s getting harder for them, though.
I have a question for you: Is there an update on the Secchi image w/the tail turning to the Left?
CW: Yes, I just posted it. It also has the two nephews. All three objects.
MM: Dutchsinse is not the same since he was shut down. I’ve now lost interest. He stood us up twice for the radio show….He was appeasing TPTB …Once he did that, he lost it. What kind of nonsense are you getting from disinfo people?
CW: If we mention Elenin we get attacked. In the comments, first. We’ve been up 8 wks and have a million listeners…My followers attack them now. Desensitize…what if they gave ups the JPL knowledge a week ahead of time, throwing up wrong info at first and delaying the process. That’s what they’re doing now. We were attacked by YT channels, and when we go there, there are no videos. But they don’t bother me at all. They can’t change the truth.
CW: Dutchsinse was one of the leaders; we don’t know what kind of pressure he went under. What I have done is provide the tools for people to DO IT ON THEIR OWN. They can stop me, but not the rest of the people. It can’t be stopped now. It’s too late. It’s part of the awakening. We were given our jobs to do by God…. Part of this awakening is an energy level … an obsession … because of the frequency no doubt.
LP: I practice hypnosis as a hobby. You can into somebody’s past, and you can predict the future…when the Hopi prayed, they didn’t do a petitionary prayer … they didn’t pray for rain; they closed their eyes and visualized the water with emotion…Do you think the dire events can be averted by consciousness raising?
CW: Visual realization is what you’re talking about, but I can’t help it…it’s going to happen the way it’s been planned by God. That’s it. The events themselves; there’s nothing we can do but be prepared spiritually, mentally and physically.  These events are coming.
CW: The President is in a meeting at Denver TONIGHT. 10/26.
MM: 2012 really lays out how the Elite function w/regard to the people. The more that don’t see it coming, the better .  It’s all about eugenics.
CW: People need to read about the binary star … it’s a collapsed sun w/such massive gravitational pull that I think the first object we’re tracking is a binary twin…it matches all the profiles.
CW: The Hopis, etc., got their info from people w/higher knowledge (spiritual beings - [demons]). This is all about Planet X. Don’t worry; God is in control. Spiritual preparation. That’s all we can do, and it’s the most important thing we can do.
LP: I thought more would happen prior to the event by now…Stay focused, because it continues. It’s not over

I'll be writing much more of my own thoughts on this....