
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Rapture and Planet X

 Well, here goes...

I have talked to a number of people who have volunteered (I never bring these things up with people, but they seem to know where to come!) that they are noticing a few odd things, such as the moon not being in the right place. the planets not being where they should be, the sun being off by 25-30 degrees - and much brighter than usual... little things like that. I have struggled greatly with what to share on this blog because the great majority of people are stuck in a mindset and paradigm that they simply find impossible from which to move ... if they even want to. And yet, do I have a responsibility to share the things that I believe to be true from at least three years of constant research - even when I believe that most people will not accept these things?

I still don't know. I have even prayed about it, and the only thought I am left with is this: those who will believe, will believe - and those who will not, will not. With that in mind I plunge ahead. If you have a heart condition or are simply a person who frightens easily then please do not watch or read what is on today's blog. I feel this situation can be likened to the case of the rich man and Lazarus. When the rich man asked if his brothers could be warned, he was told that it wouldn't matter; they had already been warned and took no heed. This seems like a parallel to that situation.

If you do read or watch, it may explain why I am so convinced that the Rapture is imminent. The sign is the 'comet' Elenin - and the event following right behind it is Planet-X/Nibiru. I believe this will trigger the tribulation period; therefore, the Rapture must come first according to the pre-trib view which I hold. From all the information I have, I believe this PX is an intelligently guided object which has a purpose, and that it will result in massive damage and disruption to the earth, all of which is estimated by some to take place in a 28-minute period, or as some put it, "in the blink of an eye." Sound familiar? I believe that perhaps concurrent with this event - "at a time when ye think not" - the predicted massive earthquakes throughout the world will allow 'the dead in Christ to arise first," followed by our translation "to meet him in the air." I think its possible that Satan's banishment to earth could even occur near or simultaneous to this.

As I write Elenin, the harbinger, is at its closest point to earth, at .23 AU, and aligned with Earth and Mars. In one week these planets will all be aligned: Venus, Mercury and Elenin - as well as the Sun, Earth and Jupiter. A week later around Nov. 5th Earth will cross the Planet-X orbit at a distance of .35 AU, and on 11/11/11Venus, Mercury, Earth and Elenin align. This date and 11/22/11 are dates shown on the Swiss Francs with pictures of massive tsunami waves washing over New York City; this picture, as I recall, came from a painting made in the 1700s (before any skyscrapers). I did a blog on these Swiss francs 6-8 months ago. The last alignment is also shown on one of the Francs and occurs on December 21, 2012, which is the date the New Ager's believe is the beginning of a Golden Age. This same date was also significant in the prophecies of the Cumaean Sybil, the Oracles of Dephi, the I Ching, the Merlin (a title), Thomas McKinna, the Mayan Calendar, Mother Shipton, the Webbot, the Lakota-Sioux, the Hopi and many others. This is also the prophetic date etched in Washington, D.C. by the Freemasons as the beginning of the New Age (also the New Atlantis planned for by Frances Bacon etal).

Christians do not observe anything special about these dates because the Lord has specifically not given dates, and while you may not think all of these dates and alignments are important, the Bible clearly mentions strange signs in the sky and upheavals on earth as definite signs by which we are to "Watch." All I'm doing is watching what's going on. I'm an accountant ... It's my nature to put 2 + 2 together.

I have MUCH more information that what I am posting. There simply isn't time to arrange it in any kind of decent order. As I said before, this subject has more DISinformation than anything I have ever researched, but obsessed as I am with it I have tried to find the truth. Maybe I have. Of course, I could also be wrong, which I freely admit. I'm presenting some of it, regardless.

by Lyndon LaRouche
(No, I'm not a follower of his.... :-)