
Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Seed of The Serpent

By Coach Dave Daubenmire
August 25, 2011

“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” -Genesis 3:15

I am sorry if I come across as a know-it-all, but I honestly believe that I see things that others don’t see. Sometimes I wish I didn’t, but the reality is, very few people have connected the dots for you in the way I am going to attempt.

He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” If you cannot see with the eyes of the Spirit, and you cannot hear with the ears of the Spirit, you are probably better off if you stop reading now. Most of what I am about to write will not make sense to you. But today I am writing to my brothers and sisters who do see and hear with the eyes and ears of the Spirit. My prayer is that the next few minutes will be a time of enlightenment for you.

The battle that is going on in America is not a political battle, it is spiritual. Those who do not recognize this are doomed to frustration. If you are one of those who believe that America will be rescued by changing the occupant of the White House, or by the election of members of the Republican Party, that America will somehow be rescued if we can get some “conservative” judges appointed, or a return to The Constitution, I assure you that your efforts will be in vain.

The battle has been, and will remain, between the seed of the serpent the seed of the woman. It is a battle of good verses evil, light verses darkness, right verses wrong, the Truth against lies. Seeing it as something other than that will lead to a lot of wasted energy.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” -Eph.6:12

Oh, there is a battle going on, for sure, but it is a battle being fought out in “high places”…a spiritual battle in a spiritual world. Spiritual forces control the natural (material) world. This is clearly taught in the Holy Scriptures. Unfortunately, it is no longer taught in our churches.

“Spiritual warfare” is what most “Charismatic” churches call it, and they are correct. But like so many other things in our churches, we have turned the focus of this battle into a personal fight…a fight between Satan and your finances…Satan and your health…Satan and your children. But it is so much bigger than that. 

It is the clashing of two Spiritual Kingdoms being played out in a natural world. “And I will put enmity (conflict) between thee (Satan) and the woman (the mother of the Lord), between thy seed (natural born man and his children) and her seed (Jesus and His Spiritual children)…”

This may come as a shock to you, but there are spiritual forces, evil ones, at work in the world. They are subtle (difficult to perceive), because Satan was more subtle than any beast of the field, but they are effective. The Devil doesn’t show up wearing a red suit, carrying a pitchfork, and displaying horns. He comes as an “angel of light,” but he is the master deceiver. He makes bad things look palatable. Hope and change anyone? 

He is called the “prince of this world,” the “prince of the power of the air,” the “ruler of darkness,” the “ruler of demons,” (here is a full list of his names). Satan is real, and he is battling for control of this “natural world.”

But he is condemned to failure. “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” Jesus destroyed Satan’s dominion at the Cross. “It is finished” Jesus proclaimed as He breathed His final breath. 

What was finished? The death of Jesus on the cross fulfilled His purpose “that he might destroy the works of the devil.” It is finished….the work of the Devil forever under His feet.

But what are the works of the Devil? Sin. Jesus destroyed the power of sin and he ushered in His new Kingdom…not an earthly kingdom, but a Spiritual Kingdom where we now have the power to trod “over all the power of the enemy.” Satan no longer controls the earth. He was defeated at the cross. Too bad most Christians no longer believe that.

But the battle continues on. Satan and his Kingdom have been dealt a death blow on Calvary…The victory of the Kingdom of Light over the Kingdom of darkness…but the clock has not yet run out. Victory is certain, but a battle must be fought.

But it is not a physical war. It is a Spiritual war, fought in a Spiritual Kingdom, where the Kingdom of Light has already destroyed the Kingdom of darkness. Satan no longer rules the earth. But he is still fighting (wrestling) for control. You have to admire his tenacity. He fights even when he knows he will lose. Christians won’t fight even when we are guaranteed we will win!

So here is how it plays out. Satan hates Jesus and all things associated with Him. Even though he knows he is defeated he will fight until his last breath to destroy all things associated with the Lord. He will not go down with out a fight.

This world is doomed, the Scriptures tell us that, and a “new heaven and a new earth” is being prepared. But until that day, the battle will rage for control of this people-planet. But it is a Spiritual battle, a battle for souls, for His Kingdom “is not of this world.” The Devil wants’ souls and his goal is to steal them from God. “ALL SOULS ARE MINE,” the Lord said. That is the battle being played out before us.

But we are deceived. That is Satan’s master weapon. Jesus told us that “you shall know the Truth and the Truth will make you free.” It is the Truth that the Devil is after. If he can keep you from Truth, he can keep you in bondage. Satan doesn’t care if you HEAR Truth, he only cares if you know and obey Truth. Truth only sets you free if you KNOW it.

Jesus is the Truth. Satan’s goal is to keep you from knowing the Truth.

But he is subtle; he merely mixes a few lies in with the Truth. “Did God really say? His goal is to move us away from ABSOLUTE TRUTH to RELATIVE TRUTH…A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

So the enemy attacks in a variety of ways. He has infiltrated all areas of our lives...not just our individual lives, but the culture…our way of life…he uses the culture to steal souls. If only we could open our eyes and see that Satan’s schemes are not political, but that he uses politics to advance his cause and advance his hatred of Christ.

Have you ever taken the time to think it through? If you would you would clearly see that all of Satan’s political forces are geared for the destruction of Christ and His Kingdom.

Communism hates Jesus. Islam hates Jesus. Feminism is antithetical to Christianity. Abortion and homosexuality both want to destroy those “created in the image of God.” Humanism wants to dethrone God. Liberalism wants to water-down the Gospel of Christ. Secular Judaism hates the mention of His name. Hollywood hates Jesus. The legal system denies the Lord’s authority. Our educational system is anti-Christ. Our monetary system is against the Lord’s call for “just weights and measures.” Usury is a sin. Ecumenicalism denies the Lordship of Jesus. The medical system, government healthcare, government officials, all government agencies deny His authority

My God, are you blind? Can’t you see it? The enemies of Christ are all unified in the hatred of Him? They are trying to destroy us through death by a thousand cuts. They all share a common hatred of Jesus. They are all on the same team, fighting the same cause…the destruction of Jesus.

And what is the response of God’s team? Silence for fear of offending, voting into power liars and thieves, praying the “conservative judges” will fight for what the Pastors will not, inviting Islam into God’s house, loving God’s enemies, supporting Republicans and their murderous, never-ending wars, failure to point out the true Christ-haters and their diabolical agendas, filling backpacks with pencils and papers as they support the destruction of the moral values of God’s children in Godless American school rooms, encouraging their sheep to blindly obey anti-Christ government and government “laws”, clinging to their 501C3 status and God-less government relationship, bowing God’s knee to Government rule. Christ church has eaten the apple.

A wise man once told me that “Jesus divides His friends, and unites His enemies.” The enemies of God are relentless, and committed. The children of God are divided, confused, and slothful. Some Methodists I know would rather be friends with the Muslims than they would with the “fundamentalists” Christians.
The haters of the Christ, and most who claim to be followers of Christ share a common enemy. The both hate the Truth.

“It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” -Sam Adams

Damn the torpedoes. Stand up and speak up inside your churches. Let’s reclaim God’s house before we worry about the White House. The battle is raging over Truth. We need to set some brushfires in our churches. It is time to make your Pastor run and hide when he sees you coming

"A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw God's truth attacked and yet would remain silent." ~John Calvin

The battle is not right or left but rather between right and wrong. It is the seed of the serpent vs. the seed of the woman.

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© 2011 Dave Daubenmire - All Rights Reserved
Coach Dave Daubenmire, founder and President of Pass The Salt Ministries and Minutemen United, is host of the high octane Pass The Salt radio show heard in Columbus, Ohio.
In 1999 Coach Daubenmire was sued by the ACLU for praying with his teams while coaching high school in Ohio. He now spends his energy fighting for Christian principles in the public domain.

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