
Friday, July 15, 2011

A Few Words of Greeting From The Dark Side

     I may be 'losing it,' but my sense of humor seems to be asserting itself of late. Perhaps it's just the general craziness in the world, and of which few people seem to be aware. We live in the most significant time in the history of the universe ... and people go about their business as though nothing is happening. It may have finally driven me over the edge ... 

......because I have decided to share a few words from the myriad of fallen angels hovering somewhere in the upper atmosphere - waiting with baited breath to 'land,' as it were. You've got to realize that I've been reading this stuff for several years, and I know it so well that I get quite a kick out of their point of view on things - or at least the point of view they wish us to get. It's the same stuff over and over and over and....well, you get it. So I'm going to post an excerpt from one of these cosmic communiques with any comments I may have [and how could I resist?] bracketed and in red.

     While this is the most serious of all possible subjects (communicating  with them - or to be more precise, listening in on their communications to their Lightworkers), I must be overly saturated with research to find so much amusement in them. Well, whatever. Here goes.

7 Ben, 11 Kumku, 7 Ik    [This is their idea of a date]
Dratzo! [Greeting] We return! We sit and wait in much anticipation high above you. We know that the divine moment for our Earth allies [their advance team, people in positions of power here on the ground] approaches! The dark has long been in control of your governments and, indirectly, your lives; [too true] and now this long reign of tyranny is to come to a long-awaited end. [Uh huh, right. We all know what they are bringing is far worse than anything we have yet known.] Certain agreements are ready to be made public which will dictate the termination of the dark's rule.[When they speak of 'the dark ones,' these are the world rulers, including our own, to whom they give orders from above. They have been in touch with earth rulers for years and have given them all of their power and wealth; now they will double-cross them and take it all away ... as their game plan always goes.]. Although the new monetary and financial system is also ready for immediate implementation, the finalizing of a necessary set of accords constituting the legitimacy of the new temporary governments [their people who are taking over] is still delaying matters. The heads of these interim regimes will completely revamp the world that is familiar to you [Yes, we can be certain of that.]. They will institute the distribution of universal wealth and set up new governance that is truly transparent and obedient to the people [And there is the lie.]. These caretakers are to oversee the introduction of the sequestered technologies and the formal disclosure of our existence. Many dedicated adherents of the dark are to be revealed and arrested for serious crimes against the people and the world [only if they give them trouble, and refuse to go quietly.]. And this is just the beginning.[So we have been led to believe.]

Restructuring government is one of their most weighty tasks: it entails nothing less than a full reexamination of the daily workings of government and the manner in which its many services are executed [they are very 'hands on' with their minions.]. It is essential that each of you [they are speaking to their 'lightworkers' ... I am only an observer] play a role in assisting these caretakers in carrying out this in-depth overhaul. As you move ever close to full consciousness [demon possession], you become more able to add your well-considered suggestions to the process, as it is this very process of open dialogue between citizens and the new governance [them] that will make the transition smooth and constructive. 

Naturally we expect glitches and some bumpy times ahead [ahem], and we know that advice from us on many issues will be needed as this restructuring phase plays out. Reframing your entire global society in such a short space of time is a truly daunting undertaking [they've been working on it for years ... centuries], and you are being asked to 'jump in the deep end.' Differences of opinion between you are inevitable, and we therefore offer your Agarthan cousins and ourselves in the role of mediators and counselors [I dare say].

The path ahead of you is being paved by the actions of our Earth allies and by the series of formal announcements which are to completely transform the world you now know. A post-disclosure world will at first feel utterly different [I'm counting on not being here]. Also, the dark's increasingly ominous supremacy will be at an end [and yours will begin]. Resources hitherto withheld from you will be yours, and these will brighten your journey through the transition into a new reality and show you the undreamt-of potential you possess [Dream on]

Similarly, your relationship to Gaia [Earth] is to change dramatically [as Revelation tells us all], and the presence of the Agarthans [the original 200 fallen angels dwelling somewhere inside the earth - abyss] will stand your current notion of her geophysical make-up on its head! You will learn about how planets are created hollow, and this will found a new planetary physics, initiating a wholly new scientific paradigm for your society, one which combines Spirit and matter. These new physical sciences will lead to fresh views on the origins of life (they will 'prove' that they created us) and the nature of physicality, allowing you to better understand what we are to bring into your lives [ DNA changes, including animals, and mechanics - transhumanism].

This revolutionary scientific and philosophic knowledge, as well as official confirmation [the mark?] by your governments of your collective ascension, will define your last days as surface dwellers. The next step will introduce you to the wonders and beauties of Inner Earth [never been sure what this entails; I have my ideas, but will withhold]. Planets are magnificent Beings who possess both inner and outer realms. Our task is to help a planet to link these realms and to sustain them at their full potential. This work brings you into contact with the flora and fauna of both realms, allowing you to discover the amazing differences and similarities of the two worlds and thus, how the ecological balance is maintained. This husbandry is one of society's primary tasks. Once you are fully conscious [possessed], all the animals and plants can speak to you and explain what they require (animal rights ... and plant rights) to live and prosper. The podlets assigned to specific tasks at the planet's various nodal points use this prime energy to sustain the complex ecologies of both realms. It won't take you long to become true stewards of Gaia and all her life forms.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! The final parts to a very convoluted puzzle are now being put in place. Over the past few millennia, the dark and its earthly minions have been able to run this world as they pleased. Nevertheless, during this time the Light [their influence] slowly gained adherents in key places, and these cracks in the dark's solidarity allowed us to form several crucial secret societies [yes...] around your planet, dedicated to serving your Ascended Masters [them]. These organizations are now using their connections and resources to force the dark from its seats of power. This mission has produced a series of legal precedents which are about to achieve our aims, and we are ready to make the announcements [of their arrival], which will doubtless shock many of you [no doubt]. It is generally assumed that these illegal regimes are immune from change, but such is not the case! Prepare yourselves for some astonishing broadcasts in the immediate days ahead![changes in government ,etc.]

The Light inundating your world in an ever-strengthening flow is melting the veil [portals, gateways] between your spiritual and physical realms. This action also raises the frequencies of your cellular RNA/DNA, waking people up in record amounts, and so the numbers of people calling upon us each day has risen exponentially (because now, they are adding Christianity to their collection - the apostate "Christians" are meditating and contacting them through "centering prayer," yoga, and other avenues). We hear your prayers and requests, and use our own energies to help and sooth your growing distress, which is a direct result of the increasing collapse of your reality.

The dark [government leadership] is determined to cling to the wreckage they created, and we are equally intent on transforming it into Light [I imagine so]. Heaven has given us the decrees to transform this 'veil of tears' and we are eager to finish this sacred task! In anticipation of this, our associates have placed themselves in positions where their triumph is now assured (they are now all over the globe in politics, religion, etc.).

The period we are passing through is when Mother Earth is to be made over to the Light [transferred completely to their power]. This process is nearly done. The end of this particular stage will be the formal announcements that proclaim that our space family is here and ready to disclose its program for the landings [alien craft]. At the same time, the first broadcasts from our Agarthan family [underground] will go out. We have lived among them for millennia and know how much they desire to reunite the realms of Inner and surface Earth. They intend to show you around their glorious world and prepare you for your journey back to full consciousness. The environs and residences where this is to take place are ready and waiting for your occupancy. We have supervised all the preparations and greatly look forward to completing your ascension. It is vital that the divine plan be manifested, and manifested now! 

Today, we gave you more information about the progress of some of the changes that are to transform your world. We also explained that a number of programs are close to instituting a new financial and monetary system, as well as several new caretaker governments. We look forward to meeting you in the physical and being your mentors [they have much to teach people] during your return to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


These are all channeled messages (and posted on forums, which is where I see them) coming through 'regular' people; that is, workers of the occult. This particular entity, whose name I didn't include, has been channeling for a number of years and is well known as a channel of the 'ascended masters' (or more likely, their minions). "The Nine," etc., normally speak only to VIPs on earth, such as military and gov't leaders. 

Sometimes people pose as channels, but are actually CIA, disinformation agents, remote viewers, whistleblowers. They come and go. The major channelers, such as this one, are around a long time, are consistent and generally give a picture of what the 'other team' wants people to know or think. If you went back ten years you would find them saying almost the same things, just changing with the obvious world circumstances, as needed. When they say something will happen 'very soon,' it could be years away. They just keep saying it over and over ... vain repetitions.

So, there you have it. One more tiny component in the average day of a researcher (no wonder I'm going crazy). Most of this stuff is very tedious and boring to me, but it may give you a glimpse into the other side. In order to ever come to tentative conclusions, and to arrive at the truth in this field riddled with disinformation, one must look at every possible source of information - or disinformation.

I don't recommend ever even reading channeled messages and such. It is normally very dangerous. However, I had years and years of Bible study, doctrine, Christian research and study of the occult under my belt before the Lord placed this assignment before me. Even then, I was somewhat fearful, and daily pray that the Lord will protect me from I know not what! He does. I'm getting rather tired of it, and sometimes recently have had a strong sense that my job is coming to a conclusion. I'm rather weary. I'm quite eager to 'go home.'

My number one, primary, research tool is always God's Word. Everything else is measured against the Bible. The Lord is my best friend, my confidante, my brother, my Redeemer, my Savior, and I just can't wait to see Him ... and everyone else! It's been a great and exciting ride here on earth (Soul School), but I'm all packed and ready to go now. I want to fall to my knees before - and meet face to face with - the One I've come to know so well.

I don't think God the Father is how you may picture Him, and I don't think the next part of our eternal journey is the way you may think it is. I think it's very much like our life right here on earth in many ways - only incredibly better in every way.


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