
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Counterfeit Christ ... Antichrist

I have listed below 18 truths about Jesus Christ. Below that list - and in the same order - are listed some of the hallmarks of the counterfeit  - the Antichrist.


  • The Great Pyramid at Giza: many believe this was God-ordered and may play some role (currently unknown) when Christ returns
  • Jesus Christ (God) created mankind
  • God called Mount Moriah “Mt Zion.”
  • The Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • Christ sprung from the tribe of Judah as “the lion of Judah.”
  • Jesus Christ worked many signs and miracles
  • Jesus Christ paid the required sacrifice of his blood in atonement for our sins
  • Christ was resurrected from the grave.
  • The Holy Spirit indwells the Christian at Pentecost
  • Christians are unified as one body
  • Many signs in the heavens will precede Christ’s return to rapture his saints
  • Christ will rapture his church (they will ascend)
  • Christ arrives on a white horse
  • Christ arrives at the end of a great war: Armageddon
  • The war will end in fire for Israel’s enemies
  • Christ comes with His holy raptured saints
  • Christ sets up his kingdom of peace and rules the earth
  • Christ builds the millennial temple of Ezekiel 40


  • The fallen angels came down on Mt Hermon (which has three peaks), and some believe the post-flood pagan religion based on pyramids was a counterfeit in some way of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
  • Satan seeks to re-create mankind through altering DNA (the seed of Satan), as ‘in the days of Noah.
  • Satan calls Mount Hermon “Mount Sion.”(as in Priory of Sion)’
  • The False “Trinity in Unity”: Satan, the Beast/Antichrist and the False Prophet
  • The Antichrist will spring (it is believed by many) from the tribe of Dan (“the lion’s whelp), the Jews are looking for a Messiah whose father is from the tribe of Judah, but whose mother is from the tribe of Dan.
  • The Antichrist will work miracles and call fire down from heaven (UFOs)
  • Lucifer calls for blood sacrifices (abortion, war, etc.) so that his followers can achieve “at-one-ment”
  • The Antichrist will be resurrected from the grave (Apollo/Osiris/Horus/etal – they are all the same god worshipped in Babylon, Egypt, Greece and then Rome).
  • Lucifer’s “Pentecost”  - the “Overshadowing” when millions of people become demon possessed
  • Lucifer’s followers will be unified “as one” through universal demonic possession
  • Many signs in the heavens will precede the coming of the Antichrist  (see note below*)
  • Lucifer’s followers will “ascend” -  through the ‘overshadowing’ by demons (above)
  • The Antichrist will arrive on a white horse
  • Antichrist arrives at the end of a great war, perhaps Gog & Magog
  • The war will end in fire for Israel’s enemies
  • Antichrist comes with His ‘holy’ aliens (demonic fallen angels) in UFOs
  • Antichrist sets up his kingdom of “peace” – a satanic dictatorship
  • Antichrist allows the building of the third Jewish temple in Jerusalem

* I believe that the floods, earthquakes, tsunamis and strange sights in the sun and stars (and perhaps the arrival of Planet-X) are caused and/or enhanced (through HAARP) by Satan's rulers on earth, and that a great war will occur soon, in order to make people believe that we are at the END OF DAYS when we are actually in “THE BEGINNING OF SORROWS.”  Do not be deceived! Most people will be expecting the actual Jesus Christ to return. (Jesus Christ cannot return until the end of the rule of the Antichrist and False Prophet.)

The saints will be raptured in a time of great financial, political, and weather chaos (perhaps even nuclear war), and a great earthquake … at the sixth seal (when the graves of the just will be opened). Many people will disappear with little notice or explanation during all of this, just as they did in Japan and other disasters. Few will notice graves opening, or a rapture, in the chaos occurring in so many places; therefore, the AC will be able to explain away the Rapture satisfactorily to the people who will have been ‘overshadowed’ by the demonic angels coming in a massive UFO landing, which will occur nearly simultaneously with the Rapture. The people will believe that finally - once and for all - they are bringing peace from the heavens and that 'the christ' has returned! At least, so they will believe. 

Of course, I could be incorrect in this timing - but as I have studied and tried to piece all of the events together, this is the scenario that has developed thus far.


Humanity is not near the end. We are near the beginning of sorrows, i.e., the beginning of the end of days. 

As for the true Christian ... Keep looking up! Your redemption is nigh.


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