
Friday, June 24, 2011

Planet--X/Nibiru/Elenin Will Bring Disaster

Most of the following information was taken from White House Correspondent Bill Koenig's weekly subscription newsletter. I encourage you to subscribe. Information is HERE:

To date, Planet-X has brought the following:

Feb. 27, 2010: Alignment: Planet X-Earth-Sun-Jupiter
6.10 AU - Chile earthquake – 8.8m

Sept. 4, 2010: Alignment: Planet X–Sun – Earth
6.26 AU - Canterbury, New Zealand earthquake – 7.1m

Feb. 22, 2011: Near Alignment: Planet X-Earth-Sun-Jupiter
2.44 AU - Christchurch, New Zealand Earthquake 6.3 m

March 11, 2011: Alignment: Planet X-Earth-Sun
2.16 AU - Japan earthquake – 9.0m

Planet-X Future Dates:

Sept. 26-28, 2011: (Rosh Hashana) - Alignment: Earth-Planet X-Sun – 0.38 AU
NOTE: On Sept. 26-28 and Oct. 19, Planet X will be the closest to Earth — much closer than at the time of the Chile, New Zealand, and the Japan earthquake. This will have an effect on Earth.

Oct. 19, 2011: Planet X crosses earth orbit – Closest approach to Earth – 0.23 AU

Nov. 5, 2011: Earth crosses Planet X orbit – Collision possible – 0.35 AU

Nov. 23, 2011: Alignment: Planet X-Earth-Sun – 0.60 AU

June 19, 2012: Alignment: Planet X-Sun-Earth – 5.32 AU

Aug. 31, 2012 – Planet X crosses Jupiter orbit on its way out of the solar system

Note: The above data came from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory

World leaders are leading the nations to the apocalypse

World leaders are leading the nations to the apocalypse by their public endorsement of sin, they are catering to Islam, and trying to split Jerusalem and Israel — all of which are leading to the "final day" worldwide judgment.

The nations have endorsed the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) and abortion (blood sacrifice of 50 million children to Satan), and are attempting to divide God's Promised Land and His City of Jerusalem.

Only a very small part of the church even realizes the significance of these activities and/or they don’t believe that God will judge the world, which is prevalent in many Protestant/Replacement Theology churches. Moreover, about 65% of American churchgoers (100 million people) have little to no biblical understanding of prophecy and God's coming judgment of the world. They don't believe in Jesus Christ's return as A JUDGE. This goes for the majority of preachers, too.

God's judgment will occur suddenly and without warning, and few will be prepared. Men will be disoriented and stumbling while seeking answers. They wouldn't read God's Word, but they will follow the siren call of Lucifer and His claim to be the Messiah.

The Day of the Lord will happen militarily, in the heavenlies, physically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. It is a very real event which is now going on in the heavenlies and will continue on earth.


Revealing Chronology - June to Sept. 30

June 1, 2011 – Obama declares LGBT Pride Month for the third time. His Administration has implemented many other programs behind the scenes, during the month.

June 16, 2011 – U.N. Group backs gay rights for the 1st time ever. The United Nations endorsed the rights of gay, lesbian and transgender for the first time.

June 17, 2011 - passing a resolution hailed as historic by the U.S. and other backers and decried by African and Islamic countries."This represents a historic moment to highlight the human rights abuses and violations that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people face around the world based solely on who they are and whom they love," U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said in a statement.

June 19-24, 2011 – Obama's representatives Dennis Ross and David Hale, EU officials and Quartet official Tony Blair are encouraging Israel to meet with the Palestinians prior to the potential vote on a Palestinians state by the U.N. General Assembly meeting.

June 23, 2011 – The Christian Post wrote that rumblings from the Obama Administration have some conservatives concerned that President Barack Obama may be planning to endorse same-sex marriage this week or next as a gesture honoring Gay Pride month.The President has two big meetings with gay constituents coming up — a $1,250-a-plate "Gala with the Gay Community" in Manhattan this week and a Gay Pride reception at the White House on June 29.Although he has already signed a proclamation this month, as Obama has done every year he has been in office, declaring June as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) month, many expect Obama to do something grand for the meetings.

Sept. 11, 2011 – The 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terror events.

Sept. 13, 2011 – The 66th regular session of the General Assembly will open at United Nations Headquarters in New York on Sept. 13, 2011, at 3 p.m.

Sept. 21-23 and 26-30 – UN General Assembly Debate. The Palestinian state issue will be discussed, along with a possible vote. If the U.N. General Assembly votes in favor of a Palestinian state, the U.N. Security Council will have the final say. If the United States or other members of the Security Council veto the U.N. General Assembly's Palestinian state decision, it will not go into effect.

This is from the official U.N. agenda (U.N. General Assembly debate)
62. Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources (resolution 65/179).

Sept. 26 – 28 - Alignment: Earth-Planet X-Sun

Sept. 28-30 – Rosh Hashanah – The beginning will be at sundown on Wednesday, Sept. 28.


The Rapture will cause a financial collapse of America and have a devastating impact on the world's economies worldwide.

The Rapture of the church — whenever it is — will be the most earthshaking event in world history. Think of the worldwide focus on the 9/11 terror events in New York City and Washington, D.C.; the Indian Ocean
tsunami of December 2004; the U.S. southern Gulf Coast during Hurricane Katrina of August, 2005; Haiti and Chile at the time of the massive earthquakes of February 2010; and the major earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan in February and March 2011, respectively. The worldwide focus was on specific areas where the events occurred.

But the Rapture will affect the entire world.

Take 30 million born-again believers (maybe more; probably less) who are productive people and taxpayers out of the United States, and the country will collapse — leading to a worldwide calamity. The loss of employees, managers, police, schoolteachers, factory workers in the manufacturing chain, farmers, truck drivers, pilots and train engineers will cause companies and economies to fail. The loss of military members
will make the nation more vulnerable.

With the loss of income tax, property tax and sales tax, governments won't be able to function. The United States and Canada have large populations of Christians, with a majority not "born again." South Korea has 33 percent Christians with a majority "born again" and is second in the world in sending out missionaries behind the United States. (See "How South Korea Embraced Christianity")

Some nations with very few Christians will be only slightly affected, but not so with those who are very reliant on trade with the United States, Canada and South Korea — along with a few other countries with a high
concentration of Christians.

Events are evolving at a breathtaking speed on many fronts. Only God knows the full details of how the Bible's prophetic scriptures will play out. But one thing we know for certain, because Jesus Himself told us: we will know when He is at the very door. 

He is at the very door.

Royal Heir

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