
Thursday, May 5, 2011

No Fear of The LORD

Very few American Christians have any fear of God because they have created their own idol gods - a dream god who is 100% 'positive.'  Likewise, very few children have any fear or respect for their parents, and their children have no fear or respect. They disobey both God and man, exhibiting the strange bedfellows of political correctness and arrogance. 

They refuse to be corrected. By anyone.

The disgusting part is that society and family puts up with this. God, however, does not. It is a parent's duty to teach and live obedience to God, and to admonish their children to do the same. There are instances in Holy Writ where adult parents were punished by God for not admonishing their adult children for these things.  If parents fail to let their children know what is expected of them, the entire society can fall apart in one generation. And that is exactly what has happened in America.

God's hand of judgment is ready to fall on this nation. This is a statement that few people will believe because they serve a PC god - yet claim to be Christians. In fact, in case  you haven't noticed His hand has already fallen on us. Look at the corrupt leaders we have. Look at the culture.

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” -Galatians 6:7

People who call themselves Christians maintain a position of willful ignorance when faced with any truth that will thwart or threaten their own personal aims and desires. And they will use scorn and mockery (even retaliation) on those who seek to warn them for the sake of their eternal salvation, rather than to educate themselves.

God takes a dim view of disobedience to His Word, and of deaf ears toward the people He has called to study and warn of the great deceptions and apostasy of these times. People have 'itching ears' and will invariably believe liars (such as the media and politicians), but will just as invariably disbelieve those who come with truth ... but truth they do not want to hear. It has ever been this way.

Unfortunately, for remaining willfully ignorant and blind, the stakes are eternal.

The Bible says that he who spares the rod (or correction) hates his son - meaning that if he did hate his son he could not do him a greater disservice than to avoid correcting him when his obstinacy and disobedience requires it.  He hates the sin that is upon us - and our obstinance and willful disobedience to His word. Since  He is a God of absolute and perfect justice He will not spare us from the rod (correction) for a willful and continual disobedience to His Word. 
He did not spare His own Son, who died for our sins.  So, He's not about to spare us for rank and willful disobedience. Even a cursory knowledge of the Bible will inform you that the LORD, our God, in his perfect divine justice, has eliminated entire cities and nations, and has wiped man off the face of the earth because of his evil. Remember Ananias and Sapphira? And greater judgment is right around the corner; and for true Christians (the few) the rewards will be determined.

What is needed immediately in America is people ("Christians") on their knees, in sorrowful repentance before the Lord with anguished tears and broken hearts, seeking His grace, and asking Him for discernment, for open eyes and ears, and the desire to hear the warnings of His various servants who are warning the church ... "working out their salvation with fear and trembling." When was the last time you did that?

Shed any foolish ideas of a politically correct and benign god, and get to personally know the Creator - the LORD of LORDS and King of Kings. Stop asking for things you want, and start listening - and asking what HE wants. Get in the Bible and get committed to obedience. And do it quickly. 
Time is of the essence.

Royal Heir