
Monday, May 9, 2011

Bruising the Devil

"And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen." Romans 16:20

This is an interesting passage, saying that the Lord can, through us, inflict bruises on the devil, who is perpetually seeking to "devour" us. This is clearly an allusion to Genesis 3:15, where God promised that the "seed" of the woman would bruise (crush) the head of the serpent, the devil. The ultimate fulfillment of this prophecy is fulfilled in Christ, as Satan will be bound for 1,000 years and then confined in the lake of fire.

Christians, who are also in a sense the woman's spiritual "seed" (Rev. 12:17) are enabled to achieve victories over Satan through spiritual warfare by resisting him and he will "flee from you." Such victories can be had over the apostate false teachers through whom Satan is infiltrating the organized church. The Lord works through His people on earth for this purpose, but of course only He can obtain the ultimate victory when He returns. Our job is to be sober, vigilant and stand firm in the meantime.

If you are not feeling the "fiery darts" being cast your way, you may not be at your battle station. We are clearly told that we will suffer satanic attacks in this life, following the example of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, even to inflict spiritual wounds on Satan himself. We will be held accountable for carrying out the purpose He has set forth for each individual Christian.

Royal Heir