
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Beck Is Not A Christian

I was one of the first to say it ... and I'll say it again ... and again.

Glenn Beck is not a Christian. Ample proof is in his new book. You cannot be a Mormon, a pagan, a New Ager, a Jehovah's Witness, a Scientologist, a Muslim, or any other religion, and be a Christian, too. These other religions all worship a different God than the Christian worships. (But, they all worship the same god - you know who.)

The world (and baby Christians) can be confused by his constant claim to Christianity (as Mormons always do claim), but the actual leaders of 'organized Christian churches' seem to have no problem with it. Christ's true church on earth, however, will readily see this sham. That's what makes them the true church.

Let's not pussyfoot around any longer. Any pastor or Christian leader who endorses Beck's Christianity is involved in heresy.

If so many pastors are going astray, think how careful the laity needs to be.

All of the answers are in The Book. Read it.

Royal Heir