
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Missionaries pray away demons

Possessed Man Redeemed

South Asia (MNN) ―
In the West, there is seldom talk about demon possession beyond horror movies. In other areas of the world, however, the issue is very real.

South Asia is riddled with cases of people who are possessed by demons. Visible spiritual warfare is very much alive, and the only way to end it is with prayer.

A 17-year-old boy in South Asia was recently taken over by demons and subsequently became extremely violent. Much like the possessed man coming from the tombs in the Gospel of Mark, this young man had to be chained down to bind his unnatural strength.

When a Gospel for Asia-supported missionary met the boy and his family, he explained to the frightened family what was wrong with their son. He then went on to share the Gospel with the family, helping them to understand that the only way their son would be freed was through faith in Jesus and prayer.

Several GFA missionaries committed themselves to prayer and fasting for the boy. Through their constant intercession, the boy was eventually freed from his bondage.

The young man now attends the GFA missionary's church. The villagers who know the young man have been astonished by the changes in him, but no one has been more amazed than his parents. Unfortunately, his parents are frightened to join the church out of fear of what other family members and neighbors would think.

Praise God for the transformation that has taken place in this young man's life. Continue to intercede for his family, and ask that God would open their eyes to the Gospel.

GFA missionaries are constantly up against trials and are constantly witnesses of God's goodness. You can sponsor one of these faithful servants through the GFA Web site.

Story at:

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Note: I do not endorse any organization listed above, simply because I am unfamiliar with them. I posted the article because I do know a few things about the demonic.

Satan's most powerful tool against Americans is their unbelief in his existence.

Royal Heir