
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Florida May Be Dying

A newsletter was distributed several days ago by Richard C. Wilmot, Pastor & Chairman of the Orange County Constitution Party. It was titled, "Florida is About to Die." I am copying excerpts of that letter here.

"This is a sad day for Florida and I wish I did not have to send this warning out. But as a watchman on the wall I must let you know what is happening right now to you.

"The government has been lying to us about the oil spill in the gulf all along. It is a disaster that BP and the government will not be able to stop, in spite of the lies saying it will be cleaned up 90% by this fall.

"Here's why. They have drilled down into the strata, 6 miles below the ocean floor and tapped into a high pressure cavity. At this level the oil is called A-Biotic oil; it is being created by chemical reaction and will produce an endless supply of oil. The pressure coming up from that well casing is up to 70,000 psi and we have no way to stop it. We do not even possess the science to contain that kind of pressure, let alone stop it. On a normal oil rig there are two readings that are read immediately after they hit oil: 1) flow rate 2) Well head pressure, which on a normal rig is about 1,500 psi. At that level, all the safety systems work to keep everything safe.

"On the Horizon rig in the gulf, the well head pressure hit 70,000 psi and blew the rig apart, and every safety system with it. BP was told by the rig engineers that the fail safe valve needed to be replaced, but BP told the crew to keep drilling, anyway. The valve probably would not have stopped the oil at 70,000 psi anyway.

"The amount of oil blowing into the gulf every day is about 4 million gallons, and increasing daily. With the pressure so high they don't know what to do to stop it. Everything they have tried has failed and relief wells will not help, but will only increase the problem. Here's why: The well casing is down over 6 miles into the earth, and the pressure has broken through in several places and continues to erode the well casing, which was about 4" thick and is now less than 1" thick and soon will be gone, leaving the 70,000 psi pressure to open the hole wider and spew out faster.

"According to NOAA (Nat'l Oceanic Atmospheric Administration) the pressure is opening up holes all over the ocean floor up to 20 miles away and releasing oil plumes into the gulf. It is estimated by oil industry experts and NOAA that as much as 40% of the gulf is now covered with underwater oil clouds, and growing.

"Now comes the really bad part. Oil is not the only thing coming out. Deadly gases are escaping into the atmosphere. You will hear in the days to come about "Volatile Organic Compounds" in the air. The EPA has begun to release their research and readings on the deadly gases escaping into the Florida air:

1. Benzine (C6H6) gas. The amount one breathes should not go above 0-4 PPB (parts per billion). The reading last week was 3,000 PPB. This gas is now moving over Florida and will cause problems with the brain, the stomach, and is especially hazardous to pregnant women.

2. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) gas. It is a colorless, very poisonous, flammable gas. Safe amounts for humans to breathe and survive is 5-10 PPB. The EPA reading last week was 1,200 PPM.

3. Methylene Chloride. Human exposure is 61 PPB to survive. EPA readings last week were 3,000-3,400 PPB. Its high volatility makes it an acute inhalation hazard. It also metabolizes in the body to carbon monoxide.

"Your lives and those of your families may depend on this information." END OF QUOTE.

* * * * * From Investigative Journalist Barry Chamish:

BP’s oil spill-fighting dispersant of choice is Corexit 9500. It has been banned in Europe for good reason. Corexit 9500 is one of the most environmentally enduring, toxic chemical dispersants ever created to battle an oil spill. Add to that the millions of gallons of oil that have been burned, releasing even more toxins into the atmosphere, and you have a recipe for something much worse than acid rain. Corexit 9500 is toxic at only 2.61 PPM. But Corexit 9500 has another precarious characteristic; it’s reaction to warm water. As the water in the Gulf of Mexico heats up, Corexit 9500 goes through a molecular transition. It changes from a liquid to a gas, which is readily absorbed by clouds and released as toxic rain. The chemical-laden rain then falls on crops, reservoirs, animals and of course, people.What makes ‘Corexit rain’ so frightening are the carcinogens it will leave behind on everything is touches. Acid rain will be considered genial after it is inevitably replaced by the far more virulent ‘Corexit rain.’ It is futile to believe that we can keep ‘Corexit rain’ from occurring - it has already been released and the molecular transformation has begun. We have set off an unprecedented chain of events in nature that we cannot control.

* * * * * More links:

BP oil spill called ‘no accident’ + numerous other links on this page:

* * * * * MY COMMENTS:

Do you see that oil-drenched bird at the top of this page? That is a picture of one of the nearly 400 cards in the deck of playing cards from the Illuminati Game. The game went on the market in 1995. All cards contained precise pictures of disaster events that happened years after the game was introduced (such as 9/11 ... and even a Rapture Card). The FBI tried to charge the inventor of the deck of cards with a crime, but was unsuccessful. He is still designing and selling cards.

Royal Heir