
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Big Changes Are A-Comin'

You can't deal with any more changes, you say? Well ... yes, you can. You have no choice. The things that have hit our world thus far are only the prelude. The orchestra has just been tuning up. The band hasn't even started yet.

I know how disconcerting this is. One can hardly keep his equilibrium these days, the news comes so fast and furiously. And it seems that it is always bad news. Ah! but I don't see it that way. I can't believe that I could be so fortunate as to live in these times. It's unbelievable to me to think that out of 6,000 or so years of recorded history, I would end up right here, right now. For some reason unknown to us at this time we are the people who are on earth at this crucial time - for such a time as this.

Many 'watchmen on the wall' have sprung up over the past months, at just the right time to provide balance to the many who are very concerned with what seems to be the lateness of the hour and the increasing parade of catastrophic events which seem to come weekly, if not daily. The emotions are constantly building to some new crescendo which never seems to arrive.

Fortunately, our Lord himself told us in advance to expect such things, in Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21. He knew the times would be chaotic and he gave us the information we would need right now. He told us that the changes would be so dramatic, frequent and severe that hearts would even fail. He gave us the plan in advance, and there is no need to be frightened or fearful. Just the opposite. We should be excited to see all of this, knowing that his return is at the door, and for that reason we know that we need to be spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ more than ever before.

There is a strange supernatural, spiritual momentum that is coming to the fore and will be increasingly evident for those with eyes to see. Slow down, and be sure to spend time each day in God's Word, seeking the illumination that he alone can give us as Christians, because you will need to be sensitive to these things in order to deal with them. I believe they will be coming even faster and more furiously, and we need to be spiritually 'fleet of foot' in order to face them.

It is critical in the days to come that Christians have spiritual discernment in order to comprehend the many deceptions which are coming our way. There will not be a lot of time to study issues to know how to handle them, nor will there likely be many people who are prepared to give guidance. For this reason, we must have an open and clear channel to our Lord through the Holy Spirit. We must be spiritually spruced up.

I will do a post or two on some of these deceptions. Some have been going on for a long time, many years, and some people are just now becoming aware of them. Some are happening right now ... and some are a-comin' ! I have some ideas of what some of these may be. No one can say with any certainty what things are coming next, but I want to share some of the things that my research has led me to believe are possible, or probable.

The Number One requirement for the Christian right now is spiritual preparation. We are God's temple on earth. It's time to clean house.

Royal Heir