
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Final Economic Moves Imminent - Part 2 of 2

Debt is a Necessity.

In our current world of finance, for one person to become wealthy, another person must be foolish enough to be in debt ... indentured, as a servant. Through this system wealth is being transferred from the masses to the rich.

From Habakkuk 2: "...Because he is as greedy as the grave and like death is never satisfied, he gathers to himself all the nations and takes captive all the peoples." This is happening now. While this passage no doubt had application to Babylon when written, it also applies to our current system. Habakkuk 2:3: The Lord answered him, "For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false."

Greed and economic oppression are portrayed here as the prominent markers of the Antichrist system which we are entering. There's more.

"Will not your debtors suddenly arise? Will they not wake up and make you tremble? Then you will become their victim." Hab. 2:7. The word used for 'debtor' can also be translated 'creditor.'

World of the Rich Elites.

Who are they? Daniel 11:39: "And he (Antichrist) shall deal with the strongest fortresses by the help of a foreign god: whosoever acknowledgeth him he will increase with glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for a price." The rich elites literally make a bargain with the Devil. If they acknowledge him as their authority (god) he will reward them with riches, and they will rule over many and divide Jerusalem, God's own city. This is exactly the same deal Satan offered Christ in the wilderness.

These elites are world leaders who already have degrees of authority and power - something to offer Satan in the bargain. They could be heads of finance, corporations, governments - people who already are in positions of a certain amount of influence. These are the people who will sell their souls to the Devil during the Tribulation period (most have already done this). We can see them forming right now. In fact, there has been a growing cabal of people who has been seeking the help of 'a foreign god' for a number of years, positioning themselves to rule the world with the help of Lucifer.

The Great War.

God will be angry, just as he was in the days of Noah. Globalism is not God's will. We know this because of Babel, where he intervened, caused the people to disperse, and confounded their united efforts by giving them different languages.

This time the Antichrist forces, united with the elites who rule the world, will actually have the audacity to go to war with Christ himself, at the end. We know how it ends; so does Satan, and because he knows how it will end, he will unleash the forces of all his fury upon the earth. And then, God will unleash his forces and reclaim the earth under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, who will rule and reign.

Tis The Season.

This season can be identified, and it is upon us. We are the generation that has seen the fig tree (Israel) begin to blossom. "When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near." Mark 13:28.

Every world condition prophesied has accelerated to global proportions. The last season of the end times has begun.

While each of us may make attempts to prepare for the unknown, the best we can do is have some extra food, some extra cash, some gold or silver coins, emergency supplies, etc. But the truth is we can't adequately plan for such an event of end time biblical proportions.

You can, however, prepare for the only essential in all of this ... your spiritual relationship to the King of Kings, who will be returning.

There is no need to fear if you are truly a follower of Jesus Christ. He is eminently able to keep you out of it ... or through it. It's up to each of us to be prepared to meet him in person. He will take care of the rest of it.

That's where the security and the certainty lies ... in the same one Person - since the beginning.

Royal Heir