
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Burning Desire for Jewish Temple

... by Freemasonry.

The Illuminati Freemasons have a long-held and fervent determination to rebuild Solomon's Temple in Israel, a plan which must be in place to accommodate their one world order and the Antichrist.

Christians pay little attention to the idea of a rebuilt Jewish Temple, other than the curious fact that prophecy speaks in great detail about such a temple in the future when we reign with Jesus Christ here on earth. The Temple was of the utmost importance in the Old Testament, but we understand that when Christ was crucified the Temple curtain to the Holy of Holies was supernaturally torn right down the middle, signifying the the New Covenant was now in effect.

However, there have long been people intensely interested in a rebuilt Temple. The Jews, naturally, have always looked to that day. And there is another group to whom a rebuilt Temple is just as important. That group is Freemasonry and the Illuminati. Solomon's Temple is critical for their one world religion, which is now coming together.

While all but the top tiers of Masonry would vehemently deny it, Masonry is absolutely a religion, and the writings and words of their leaders confirm this, as in Albert Pike's seminal book on Masonry, "Morals and Dogma," where he states, "Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion, and its teachings are an instruction in religion." Masonry, in fact, is foundational to the Antichrist religion. At the very highest ranks, Lucifer is worshipped. This is well documented.

Masonry's goal, from the beginning, has been to rebuild Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, and all of its symbols and rituals have direct reference to such a temple. In fact, the Temple is so intrinsic to the Masonic faith, that Freemasonry itself would rot away without it. Freemasonry has its very basis built around the Old Testament, and indeed claims that the builders of Solomon's Temple were the first Freemasons. To rebuild the Temple is of supreme importance above all else.

This rebuilt temple, to be built on the Temple Mount, is directly linked to the Antichrist, who will declare himself to be God in that temple, as the Bible prophesies. Since the Muslim Dome of the Rock currently stands on the Temple Mount, it must somehow be removed, or worked around, in order for the Masonic dream to be realized.

The Illuminist Masons await the man who will rebuild it: "It is known to every reader of the Bible and student of Solomon's days, that an amazingly detailed description of the Temple and its associated structures has been carried down from the mists of antiquity by the Scriptures. Lineal measurements, materials employed, and ornamental detail are so graphically presented that restoration of the Temple, at any time within a score of centuries past, awaited only the coming of a man with the vision to recognize its historic value, and the imagination to undertake the task." [Foreword, "The Bible and King Solomon's Temple in Masonry," by John Wesley Kelchner.]

Therefore, it is necessary for the Illuminati to somehow take control of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. Plans of the Masonic Illuminati are underway to accomplish that very thing, one goal of which is the ongoing work toward the declaration of Jerusalem as an International City. A number of secret agreements have been signed between Israel and the Vatican over the past several years, and the U.N. has officially controlled Jerusalem for over a decade.

This may not be as difficult as it would seem. Things are not what they seem. People are not who they seem to be. There are high degree Masons at the top levels of the Vatican, the Illuminati, Israel and every government on earth. Their loyalty is to Lucifer and to their common goal of ruling the world through one government, one economic system and one religion.

Royal Heir