
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Was Obama's Citizenship Debacle Planned From the Beginning?

I have always thought that it was ... If so, Obama himself may be unaware of how it ends.

Believe me, all of the chaos we are going through is by design. Never forget that the motto of 33rd degree Masonry is "Ordo Ab Chaos"--"order out of chaos."

"Kenyan Officials Affirm: Obama is 'son of this soil' by Drew Zahn, World Net Daily, April 12, 2010, reports: "On the floor of the Kenyan National Assembly the day after Barack Obama was elected U.S. president, members of the African country's parliament celebrated 'a Kenyan ruling the USA', calling Obama 'a son of the soil of this country'."

"Could we allow … a Motion for Adjournment so that we could also continue the celebrations of having a Kenyan ruling the USA?" asked the MP for the Ikolomani Constituency, Dr. Boni Khalwale.

The mood on the floor of the Parliament was so raucous that day that an extended debate occurred on whether or not to call the session off to celebrate Obama's election victory. Several MPs were even reported missing, allegedly because they were still out partying. Nominated MP Millie Odhiambo requested of the chair, "The president-elect, Mr. Obama, is a son of the soil of this country. Every other country in this continent is celebrating the Obama win. It is only proper and fitting that the country which he originates from should show the same excitement, pomp and color. I, therefore, seek leave of the House that we adjourn to discuss the issue."

Eventually, the chair was compelled to issue an official statement of congratulations in the effort to move the session forward. Deputy Speaker Maalim Farah delivered the statement, in which he echoed Odhiambo's "son of the soil" language: "Honorable members, as you may be aware, the people of the United States of America have just had a historic election where the son of this soil, Barrack Hussein Obama, has been elected the 44th president of the United States of America and the first African-American president in the history of that country," said Farah, "please join me in registering and sending this House's congratulations to the President-elect Obama for overcoming great odds to emerge victorious."

Regardless of the numerous times this issue is put to rest, the evidence pops back up stronger than ever. It seems as though the Kenyans want the facts to be known; they are proud of a son of Kenya filling the most powerful office in the world. And why shouldn't they be?

As a matter of fact, I will be shocked if Obama is not dethroned due to this issue. Since before his election I have been of the opinion that this has all been planned ... knowing the devious workings of the powers behind all this. Nothing is accidental with them; all is according to plan. The President is only a tool, perhaps unsuspecting. The goal is to create enough chaos and dysfunction that the citizens of the U.S. will accept a new regime with great relief, just to stop the agony. They will welcome it with open arms, and indeed it will seem wonderful - all our problems will be solved.

If such a thing happened, do you realize that every single document and bill he signed would be null and void, including all Executive Orders? That would include the notorious health care bill. But why should the NWO care? That will all have been a means to an end. They will bring in a new - and glorious - agenda. That, my friends, is the whole point of all this chaos ... to crack the hardest nut of all, the United States of America.

You can be absolutely certain that all of this chaos has been meticulously planned, right down to the last shocking detail, whatever that might be.

If it does turn out to be Obama's citizenship...just remember who told you!

A Royal Heir