
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Deepening Hostility to Christians by Pentagon?

Not only Rev. Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, has been 'disinvited' to the National Day of Prayer observance to be held at the Pentagon, but now we discover that the National Day of Prayer task force itself, headed by author Shirley Dobson, of Focus on the Family, has also been disinvited. It's definitely beginning to look like the Pentagon is assuming a policy against Christians that is deliberate and broader than recognized previously.

The stated reason for not wanting Graham at the event was that post-9/11 he had said that the teachings of Islam made it "a very evil and wicked religion." He believes the military’s effort to ban him and other Christian leaders is nothing short of an effort to stamp out Christianity from the military.

Even more interesting is the fact that the Pentagon still plans on observing the National Day of Prayer, which signifies that it is only Christian prayer to which they object. Pentagon spokesman George B. Wright stated: "While we appreciate [Franklin Graham's] worldwide outreach, and his willingness to speak at this Pentagon multi-faith event, his presence would be inappropriate." Just why it would be 'inappropriate' he didn't say. Wright said the Pentagon event "will continue as scheduled under the administration of the office of the Pentagon Chaplain." Asked which chaplains, representing which faith traditions, will be involved in the upcoming event, Wright replied: "The agenda has not been finalized." I'll bet.

Franklin Graham's Samaritan Purse has provided aid to millions across the globe and has overseen a number of programs to help people in Muslim countries.

Also this year, an invitation to head of the Christian Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, was revoked after the military had asked him to speak at a prayer lunch at Andrews Air Force Base, after he criticized President Obama's call to allow gays to serve openly in the U.S. military. Perkins is a marine veteran and had served six years in the U.S. Military.

When over 90% of Americans claim to be Christians, it is an ominous sign for religious freedom - and an extremely disturbing sign for Christians. This appears to be part of an opening shot across the bow to one faith alone - Christianity. We can expect increasing persecution.

This month, U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb of Wisconsin ruled that holding a National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional, saying it violates the First Amendment's prohibition against the establishment of a religion by the federal government. The ruling stemmed from a lawsuit filed in 2008 by a group of atheists and agnostics.The Justice Department has announced it will appeal Crabb's ruling.

This is the rationale: if we Christians stand for what we believe in, we are not tolerant. Our belief that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, and there's no way to God except through Christ and Christ alone, is now being interpreted as being hostile, as hate speech."

The U.S. Military has accepted the practice of every pagan religion you can think of ... Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Wicca and even the Church of Satan. Only one faith is now excluded - ours, because we refuse to bend to the New Age faith. The world will accept any evil belief imaginable, but it draws the line at Jesus Christ.

Is any Christian surprised? I think not.

Jesus said: "If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first." John 15:19.

And why did the world hate Christ, and it will hate us? " hates Me because I testify of it, that its deeds are evil." John 7:7

The world is the unregenerate portion of mankind. It hated and slew the Lord. It has never loved his disciples. Satan is its prince.

Royal Heir
P.S. Just ran across this: Lawmaker Calls for Hearings Into Pentagon's Politically Correct Decisions to Disinvite Christian Leaders