
Friday, March 12, 2010

Is The United States a Christian Nation?

As much as we would love this to be the case, the U.S. is not now - nor was it ever - a Christian nation. Hear me out before getting all riled up.

The Bible is our authority for every question.

Scripture is crystal clear. The Bible says that all the nations of the world are under the direct authority of the god of this world, Satan. God has allowed him this authority for an appointed amount of time.

The Bible also gives us clear instruction in Romans 13 on our obligations toward whatever government happens to be over us. God is over all governments, and he determines the courses of their actions. A tyrannical and evil government in the end times is according to God's purpose, and that is what we are seeing now coming into formation.

Although we are not a Christian nation, from our founding we have been a nation made up of strong Christians, and that influence has had a profound impact on the entire world, up until recently. On a parallel track, however, were Satan's people who were also here from the founding of the United States. Our government buildings are littered with statues of ancient pagan gods, and just recently we have discovered that a powerful group of 'illuminated ones' had a huge influence, also, from the founding of the nation. Their influence has finally overpowered ours, just as the Bible predicted that we would be overcome.

Throughout all of history Satan's influence and God's influence have impacted people, and the battle between these parallel tracks of people has been going on since Day One. The Christian influence has spread the gospel throughout the earth in an unprecedented way, fulfilling the Great Commission. At the same time, Satan has had his people, who are now overcoming us. This has all been prophesied. This is the spiritual battle of the ages, and it is about to finally be consummated.

When Jesus Christ comes to earth again, he will come in great power and glory. He will make an end to the governments of all nations and he will establish his kingdom on earth. He will rule from Jerusalem over the entire earth. Those who have faithfully followed him, his people, will reign and rule under his divine leadership.

There will finally truly be peace on earth.

Royal Heir