
Friday, February 19, 2010

Ancient Prophets Predict Messiah in 2012

13th Century Rabbis and late 14th Century St.Malachy Predict Similar Prophecies.

Dr. J.R. Church, a renowned prophecy scholar, recently reported that 13th century orthodox Jewish rabbis prophesied in the Zohar - widely regarded as the most important work of the Jewish Kabbalah - had predicted the arrival of their Messiah in the year 2012.

In the Zohar, a rabbi named Simeon said: "When the 60th year shall have passed over the threshold of the 6th millennium, the God of heaven will visit the daughter of Jacob [Israel] with a preliminary remembrance. Another 6-1/2 years will then elapse, and there will be a full remembrance of her …" This 60th year of the Jewish calendar, says J.R., passed over the "threshold of the 6th millennium" in the year 2000. It was the Jewish year 5760.

There is no indication saying what this preliminary remembrance is, but it is not the final arrival of the Messiah to establish the kingdom. It is also very important to remember that the "Messiah" that Israel will accept at first will be the Antichrist. A few years later they will realize their mistake and will then recognize Jesus Christ as their true Messiah at the Second Coming.

The prophecy goes on to say that the following 6-1/2 years will conclude with a "full remembrance" and "then all the nations shall combine together against the daughter of Jacob in order to drive her from the world.... it is a time of trouble unto Jacob, but out of it he shall be saved" (Jeremiah 30:7).

The Zohar also says that Rome will be destroyed in the Jewish calendar year 5773, which, in our calendar begins with the new moon of September 2012 and ends in 2013. The quote reads: "In the year seventy-three [2012 / 2013] the kings of the world will assemble in the great city of Rome, and the Holy One will shower on them fire and hail and meteoric stones until they are all destroyed, with the exception of those who will not yet have arrived there."

Also interesting is the prophecy of "St. Malachy" as he is known to Catholics. He predicted each of the Roman Catholic popes from Pope Celestine II to the final pope, "Peter the Roman," whose reign would end with the destruction of Rome. According to Malachy, the pope after Benedict the 16th (the current pope) will be the final pontiff, Petrus Romanus, or "Peter the Roman." He will assume authority during a time of great tribulation, after which Rome will be destroyed, and "the terrible and fearsome Judge will judge his people."

It is fascinating that both the 700-year old Zohar prophecies and the 870-year old prophecies of St. Malachy relate to the exact same time frame: 2012, with very similar predictions of the rise of a "Messiah" combined with the destruction of Rome.

It is important to remember that while other prophecies are interesting, the only true and reliable prophecies come from the Bible, God's own Word.

I listen to J.R. Church every weekday, where he posts a short podcast (5-10 minutes) each day. It's always very fascinating. His website is:

I, too, am an avid student of prophecy and hope to start a new website soon that will focus on prophecy and related subjects of interest. I'll let you know when that happens; hopefully soon.