

SECTION I below contains books accessible on Scribd website; some require a small fee to access, some are free. I pay $9/month to access all the books and articles I want. It's a great deal for a researcher. 
SECTION II contains all free books.



The Bones of St Paul & The Vatican

18 New Age Lies: An Occult Attack on Christianity

True Salvation and The True Gospel

Why Christians Should Never Pray to Mary

Why The King James is By Far The Best Bible

Why Ecumenism is Dangerous For Born Again Christians

The Hidden Heresy in New Age Christian Churches

Speaking in Tongues is Both Unbiblical and Harmful

Proof That C.S. Lewis Was A Pagan; Not a Born Again Christian

Freemasonry in Ireland & The Dublin Occult Grid

The Role of Orion & April 19th in Illuminati Plan

The Illuminati & 12 Smirnoff Ads

WWII: How The Global Elite Controlled Both Sides

The Islamic Antichrist & Israel

Illuminati Insider Reveals Dark Plan For U.S.

Gulf Oil & The Dates of April 19-20

Bible Prophecies Re: Israel's Founding in 1948

Globalists Speak Openly of Their Deadly Conspiracy

What Does It Mean To Be Born Again?

The Destruction of the Irish Economy

Japanese Earthquake and the Ring of Fire in America

New Age Movement is Designed to Destroy Christianity

Insiders Say Economic Collapse is Near

The Roman Catholic Jesus vs. The Real Jesus

Psalm 83 & The Coming Attacks Against Israel

The Poisoning of Our Skies

Understanding the Rapture

The Catholic Church & Its Sinister Step to One World Religion

Written in Hell: An Explosive Roman Catholic Document

Replacement Theology: Israel in the End Times

Beware the False Theology of Purpose Driven/Rick Warren

A Christian Perspective on the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Ark of the Covenant & Eye of Lucifer

A Study of Satan

Catholicism: A Form of White Magic