
Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Essential Rules of Liberty

This is so exquisitely written - and so perfectly true - that despite the fact that my blog is decidedly focused on the Christian faith, I couldn't deprive you of this eloquent political blog which I found HERE.

Guest Post: The Essential Rules Of Liberty

Tyler Durden's picture From

Submitted by Brandon Smith of Alt-Market
The Essential Rules Of Liberty

There is nothing worse in this world than an enslaved man who naively believes himself free, except, perhaps, trying to explain to that same man his predicament. You can lay truth after truth before his feet. You can qualify your every position with cold hard irrefutable data. You can plead and scream and raise veritable hell, but before he will ever listen, he must first become aware of his own dire circumstances. As long as he views himself as “safe and secure”, as long as he imagines his chains to be wings, he will see no reason to question the validity of the world around him, and he will certainly never invest himself into changing his own deluded destiny.

Unfortunately, there are many such men crawling and scraping about here in what was once a land graced with a self sufficient and independently minded public majority. The great lie that has been perpetuated in this country over the past several decades is that we can defer our responsibilities of vigilance and place our well being and our futures into the hands of others for the sake of “collective efficiency”, or leisure. We have been conditioned to live in a state of constant indifference, a society which prizes compromise over principle and steadfast resolve. Those who refuse to compromise that which is honorable for the sake of ease and comfort are indicted as “extremist” or even criminal. The idea of personal revolution is treated with discomfort, and all we claim to stand for becomes muddled in a fog of inaction and cynicism. As Americans, we have forgotten what it means to earn and protect our own freedoms. We have forgotten that in liberty, there are standards that must be defended.

This, however, does not mean we cannot yet again remember ourselves. The desire for freedom is as inborn and natural as our own heartbeat, as our own breath. It is instinct. It cannot be erased from within, only oppressed from without. The tide has always been against tyranny, always, though we may find that hard to believe. If liberty was not ingrained into our very DNA, humanity would have succumbed to bondage and self destructed long ago. This is not the case. Stretching under the surface of our superficial force-fed mainstream culture are the roots of something real, and honest. Simmering beneath our so called “civilized” veneer, many Americans are finally rediscovering their wild and defiant origins. In the recent past we have been taught to feel ashamed of our rebelliousness. Now, we are learning to hold it quite dear.

For those of us who are awake, and for those who are on the verge of understanding, certain rules come into play that strengthen our stance and shield us from folly. Liberty is not a self perpetuating social condition. It requires guidelines, and effort, and sacrifice. Liberty will not survive without our willingness to maintain it. If you are not ready and willing to fight for your own independence, then you are not truly free.

Let’s examine some of the inherent laws and guidelines of free will and free action that will allow us to not only win back our self determination, but to keep it for generations to come. You want liberty? This is what it takes…

Rule #1: Never Take Anything For Granted
A lot of people today seem to have serious issues with expectation and assumption; what we in the alternative media often refer to as “normalcy bias”. We have grown used to the idea of abundance and relative safety. So much so, that we fail to notice when our abundance and safety begin to disappear. We assume that the condition of the world today will be the condition of the world tomorrow, and for all time. In the U.S., we have even come to expect not only that our prosperity and our freedom are inevitable, but that they will also increase exponentially with each passing generation. This is a relatively new and narrow cultural mindset likely caused by the explosion in industrial growth after WWII which seemed to erase all memory of the Great Depression in our society, leaving us with the belief that surely, our circumstances would never become so desperate again.

Those who are truly independent realize that nations, no matter how affluent, can self destruct at a moment’s notice, especially when they fail to recognize their own weaknesses and confront their own demons. Never suppose that that which is good and just will remain without your own initiative. Never wait for others to fix those problems which you could just as easily solve yourself. Never expect that freedoms won cannot also be easily lost. Always prepare for the worst outcome, and strive for the best outcome.

Rule #2: Educate Yourself
Never become a useful idiot, or a waste of oxygen. Being a part of the herd is nothing to be proud of. Strive for knowledge, and thirst for the truth every moment of every day. Many of the things we deem “important” in modern society are in the grand scheme hollow attempts to fill our lives with distraction, only wasting time until we finally bite the dust filled with regret. Pretending to further the depth of one’s life is not the same as actually doing so. I can’t think of anything more horrifying than becoming a man who rushes around frantically every waking moment, but ultimately accomplishes nothing.

Do not assume that you already have a tangible grasp of the truth, especially if all your knowledge has been handed to you. Instead, research that knowledge for yourself. Put that which you have been taught to the test. Only in this way will you finally learn. Expand your horizons. Learn something useful. Remove unnecessary distractions for at least part of your day and focus on increasing your awareness of the environment you live in. There are very few things in this world more important than this, and self education should take precedence over everything else except your family. “Lack of time” is no excuse for ignorance. Make time! The ignorant are led. The knowledgeable lead themselves.

Rule #3: Don’t Be A Pansy
Liberty is not for the faint of heart. Emotional courage is paramount to freedom, and it can be expressed to incredible effect by even the most unlikely heroes. I’ve seen children with more courage and tenacity than some full grown men.

If one recognizes the gravity of the situation we face as a people, if one understands the considerable danger involved in the fall of a Republic to the depths of fear and autocracy, but still does nothing, that person has not only failed the world, he has also failed himself. “Making waves”, or drawing the ire of “authority”, is the least of our worries. If you have utilized an objective eye, and know you are right in your position, then there is no reason to fear criticism from anyone.

Sociopolitical action, nonconformity, noncompliance, and self defense, are unavoidable aspects of a society that wishes to maintain its freedoms. There is no way around it. If you are not willing to stick your neck out and expose yourself to risk, you remove all chance of possible gain. If you are a self proclaimed activist that refuses to sacrifice, that refuses to struggle, then you have failed before you even began. Talk must lead to balanced action. Never thumb your nose at the devil without being ready to trade punches as well, or all is lost.

Rule #4: Stop Waiting For Others To Tell You What To Do
Independent people not only consider and implement the solutions of others, they also work on their own. Complaints abound lately in the Liberty Movement;
“When is someone going to do something!? What are YOU going to do about our predicament!?”

This is the question of a slave, not a free man. A free man asks, “What am I going to do about this predicament? What is MY solution to the problem?” Therein is the key to liberty; decentralized leadership and movements based on fluidity and spontaneity of action, instead of a great mass of people standing around stiffly waiting for orders on high, or a self styled messiah to engineer their world view. As soon as you place your very initiative under the control of others, you have lost the fight. Always consider the solid strategies of intelligent people, and adopt them if they are useful, but do not remain idle because you are too frightened to exert the effort to solve problems bigger than yourself. Spectators only witness history, they do not make history.

Rule #5: Cast Off What Is Unnecessary, Keep What Is Effective
Yes, I stole this rule from Bruce Lee, but it is just as applicable to social movements and economic stability as it is to the martial arts. Invasive debt creation, for instance, is a tool for subversion, and no people forced to bear the burden of liabilities they can never repay is free. Therefore, exorbitant debt must be avoided, or cast off completely.
In our personal lives, how many useless goods do we accumulate on a daily basis, instead of useful items that we may one day desperately need? How much of our life is spent accumulating garbage in order to keep up with “socially acceptable” levels of consumer behavior? How many of us cling to careers we hate in order to service our needless consumption? The ability to prioritize must become a virtue once again, and, we all need to shut off the cable television…

This rule also applies to governments. If a government no longer fulfills its sworn duties to the people, and no longer serves the purposes to which it was originally intended, then it too must be cast off and replaced with one that does serve the people, or, it must be forced to return to its inherent foundations. Today, this kind of talk is often referred to as “extremism”, or insurgency, no matter how correct it might be, which brings us to our next rule…

Rule #6: Ignore Establishment Labels
Tactical name calling is only effective if we actually care what other people think of us. Labels like “homegrown terrorist”, “extremist”, “doomer”, or “conspiracy theorist”, are designed to shame people into self censorship. That is to say, they pigeonhole movements and their participants into categories of public shame, causing said movements to fear social reprisal. They are also meant to forcefully assign “outsider” or “fringe” status to particular political positions in order to marginalize and weaken the resolve of those who hold them. Never mind that almost every powerful and honorable cultural movement in history once started out as “fringe”.

Early in our lives, we are taught that it is far better to be accepted, and to avoid standing out, even at the expense of our individualism. Unfortunately, many adults never outgrow this childish belief, and thus become vulnerable to tactics as absurd as simple ridicule. At bottom, being slandered by a thieving bureaucracy infested with soulless parasites bent on centralization at the expense of innocent human life is a bit laughable (this goes for you too, SPLC). Globalists, along with their media cronies and their think-tank sock puppets, will say ANYTHING to get what they want. Empty words and false labels cannot stop the truth, or a movement driven by the truth.

Rule #7: Cynicism Is The Path To Defeat
It is good to be critical, but not to the point of nihilism. America’s past is riddled with mistakes, bad judgments, horrible crimes, and downright stupidity; that doesn’t mean that the principles on which this country was founded are any less vital. We hear often from cynics that humanity has become too stupid and complacent to do what is right. However, stupidity and complacency are not inherent qualities. That’s an elitist fantasy with no basis in fact. Stupidity and complacency are learned behaviors, and they can be unlearned. What IS inherent is our ability to choose what path we will take. For adherents of liberty, we need only remind people that they have this choice. We can whine and cry all day long about how nobody pays attention and how there is no hope, or, we can exhaust all options before throwing in the proverbial towel. We don’t need to “like” society the way it is, but we do need to recognize the underlying potential of all people to become something much more than what they currently are (I can’t stand blind ignorance either, but I’m certainly not ready to accept it as a fact of American life). Remember, no fight is over until it is over.

Rule #8: True Authority Is Derived From Respect That Is Earned, Not Bought, Or Taken
A corrupt politician is just a criminal conman in a nice suit. A law enforcement officer who refuses to follow Constitutional Law is just a petty little tyrant in a black uniform. An economist who knowingly skews data to fit his own political bias or to serve the political biases of men above him is just a liar or an inept buffoon with an embossed piece of paper from an expensive university. A lab scientist or doctor who flubs experimentation to support the interests of the corporate world rather than the needs of the public is just a quack in a white coat. All too often, though, we find ourselves taking these cretins seriously all because they talk the talk and wear the costume. They are just people, and if they cannot do their jobs honestly, then they are useless people, who deserve our disdain, not our respect. We should never allow such men to wield positions of authority over us.

Rule #9: Take It Personally
When someone tries to steal from you, hurt you, or enslave you, unless you are some kind of nut, you take it pretty personally, right? Why should it be any different when a government commits the same grievances? Americans should be furious over the destruction of their economy, their currency, their infrastructure, and their Constitutional freedoms! They should be enraged over the endless wars overseas that are bankrupting the nation. They should be bellowing to the rooftops over the cooption of their political system by a slimy brood of corporate bankers. Is this “extremist” behavior? Who cares!? If your anger is not visible then it is not worth a damn. Don’t just get active, get emotional! This is about your life, and the lives of those you love. That’s not to say that we should take out our frustrations randomly and haphazardly, but if we can’t at least make known our anger over the misdeeds of government, then what the hell is the point of calling ourselves free?

Rule #10: You Are The First And Last Line Of Defense
Like it our not, this is our job. We have inherited a country on the verge of disaster, and we are tasked with cleaning it up, otherwise, there will be little left to pass on. We do not get to bask in illusory prosperity for the rest of our days. We do not get to feed off the entitlement program trough until we are fat and contented. We are not going to retain our rights without blood, sweat, and tears. We will not be building magical floating cities in the clouds or skyscrapers on Mars. We will NOT be remembered fondly as members of some fantastical “golden era”.

We have been thrust into the muck and the mire. We are being molded as the lost children of an age better forgotten. We have been slapped in the face with a dilemma so volatile and so incredible it may one day be called the greatest crisis of all time. We have drawn the short straw.

This could be viewed as some terrible doom. It could be held as a star crossed act of ferocious fate. We could fall to our knees and lament with despair, overcome with woe at our unbearable lot. But, this would be in violation of rule #3, and nobody wants to be a sobbing pansy. On the contrary, every “bad luck generation” is only so if they refuse to see the great fortune at their fingertips; if they refuse to seize the moment and conquer the giants of their day. The greater the hardship, the greater the enemy, the greater the heroes. We are faced with possibly the most unrelenting antagonists and the most treacherous obstacles in recent memory, or even distant memory. In the same spark of confrontation, we are also presented with unparalleled opportunity to change the course of the world forever. Whether or not we succeed, is entirely up to us.



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Saturday, July 30, 2011


New NIV “was written, it seems, by cowards for cowards” says Voice of the Martyrs Director

In the May 2011 print edition of Voice of the Martyrs, Director Tom White states, “I do not need to be shielded by a miserably comfortable religion, existing in what I call a numbed down Christianity. One current example of this dangerous numbing down of the Christian faith is the 2011 NIV Bible. It was written, it seems, by cowards for cowards. In Job, Amos, Psalms, Isaiah and Jeremiah, the translators have removed all 16 references to our greatest motive for evangelizing–the “shadow of death”–and replaced the phrase with “darkness.” [1]

Mr. White continues, “The words ‘shadow of death’ in the Old Testament are from the Hebrew word  ’Tsalmaveth,’ which literally means the ‘grave’ or figuratively, ‘calamity.’ The grave has been artfully removed. Now Job in his struggles never has to face death. He only faces some kind of internal ‘darkness.’ Today he could simply get a prescription to avoid this challenge.” [2]

Reading Mr. White’s comments, two missionaries back from Africa referred to this verse from Revelation: But the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.

Is the famine here? The famine not of bread and water but of the very Word of God? (Amos 8:11) It is not just The Message, or the new (?) NIV. This will continue. Here you can read yet another example of what is being done: APPRISING.ORG

Here, too, is Eric Barger warning what the new (?) NIV is all about: READ

And there is always The Message, with its omission of Scriptures concerning homosexuality as sin and its God of green hopeREAD

1. Voice of the Martyrs May 2011, From The Director, pg. 2, “Taking the Bull by the Horns,” by Tom White
2. Ibid., pg. 2

Friday, July 29, 2011

SATANICTEACHING: The Occult, Harry Potter, & Your Kids

 Roger Oakland...CLICK HERE for more of his videos 

"The premiere of Harry Potter the movie will lead to a whole new generation of youngsters discovering witchcraft and wizardry....Increasing numbers of children are spending hours alone browsing the internet in search of Satanic websites and we are concerned that nobody is monitoring this growing fascination." Peter Smith, general secretary of the British Association of Teachers and Lecturers [1] 
Psychic Eye Book Shop manager cheers "the Harry Potter craze": "It's taken away a lot of the fear. People are more accepting of things like witchcraft and magic after Harry Potter came out. We find that we are a supporting environment for customers like that." Mountain View Voice, CA, 7-26-02.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone opened on November 16 at a record-breaking number of theaters across the country. "Christian" as well as public schools bussed their students to see the long awaited movie based on the first book in J. K. Rowling's ground-breaking series. Teachers are facilitating classroom discussions that train students to seek "common ground" and conform to an ever-changing group consensus.[2] While forbidding prayer in the name of Jesus, most schools seem to welcome spells and sorcery in the name of Harry Potter.
The pressure to participate in the fun and frenzy is intense. So what can a Christian child do in the midst of such hype, hypocrisy and popular wizardry?   
Those who know God can find answers in His Word. Consider this list of Biblical warnings and wisdom, then put on the Armor of God and pray that He lead you in His way. 
1. God shows us that witchcraft, sorcery, spells, divination and magic are evil. He hates those practices because they blind us to His loving ways, then turn our hearts to a deceptive quest for self-empowerment and deadly thrills. Harry Potter's world may be fictional, but the timeless pagan practices it promotes are real and deadly. Well aware that the final result is spiritual bondage and oppression, He warns us:
"There shall not be found among you anyone who... practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord..." Deuteronomy 18:9-12
2. The movie's foundation in fantasy, not reality, doesn't diminish its power to change beliefs and values. Imaginary (or virtual) experiences and well-written fantasies can affect the mind and memories as much, if not more, than actual experiences.[3] Designed to stir feelings and produce strong emotional responses, a well-planned myth with likeable characters can be far more memorable than the less exciting daily reality -- especially when reinforced through books, toys and games as well as movies. Small wonder Harry's fans have been counting the days until their next fantastic journey into Hogwarts' classes on sorcery, divination, potions and spells.
"But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward." Jeremiah 7:24
3. Each occult image and suggestion prompts the audience to feel more at home in this setting. Children identify with their favorite characters and learn to see wizards and witches from a popular peer perspective rather than from God's perspective. Those who sense that the occult world is evil face a choice: Resist peer pressure or rationalize their imagined participation in Harry's supernatural adventures.
        The second choice may quiet the nagging doubts, but rationalizing evil and justifying sin will sear the conscience and shift the child's perception of values from God's perspective to a more "comfortable" cultural adaptation. Even Christian children can easily learn to conform truth to multicultural ideals and turn God's values upside down - just as did God's people in Old Testament days:
"But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward." Jeremiah 7:24
"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness....
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
And prudent in their own sight!"  Isaiah 5:2-21
Harry Potter Special [Magazine] interviews actors Daniel Radcliffe (Harry), Rupert Grint (Ron), Tom Felton (Draco), Harry Melling (Dudley):
If you could cast a spell on someone, what would it be?
Daniel: "If I liked them, it would be a spell where I'd give them special power, like invisibility.
Your favorite word in the Harry Potter books?
Daniel: "I like the word--it's very bad to say this--but I like the word Voldemort."
What magical power would you like to have?
Rupert: "I'd like to levitate."
Do you prefer to play a bad or good character?
Tom: "Bad. It's more fun because it is different.
What magical power would you want to have?
Tom: "Invisibility. So I could sneak around and go places I shouldn't."
Did you find it hard torturing Harry?
Harry M: "No. I found it quite fun, actually."[4]

Harry Potter Special: Inside the Magical Magazine (Primedia, Inc.), pages 24, 26.
David Rockefeller ( "search" for "Rockefeller" on this site), Vice-President, Financial Operations.
4. God tells us to "abhor what is evil" and "cling to what is good." (Romans 12:9) But when Christian children and teens love the Harry Potter myths, delight in the movie and read the books again and again, they are desensitizing their hearts and minds to its evil. Turning God's truth upside down, they are learning to "love" what is evil. The natural next step is to reject God's wise boundaries and "abhor" what He calls good.
"You love evil more than good...." Psalm 52:3
5. Immersed in Hogwarts' beliefs and values, children learn to ignore or reinterpret God's truth. They lose their natural aversion for the devious spirits represented by the creatures and symbols in this eerie world. Caught up in the exciting story, they absorb the suggested values and store the fascinating images in their minds -- making the forbidden world of the occult seem more normal than the Kingdom of God.
Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ."  Colossians 2:6-9
6. This inner change is usually unconscious, for the occult lessons and impressions tend to bypass rational scrutiny. After all,  who will stop, think and weigh the evidence when caught up in such a fast-moving visual adventure?  Fun fantasies and strategic entertainment has a special way of altering values, compromising beliefs and changing behavior in adults as well as in children.  This learning process has been named "edutainment" -- a favored way to train multicultural citizens for the envisioned 21st century community.  Its power to influence beliefs and behavior is illustrated by today's marketing firms which spend billions on entertaining ads that touch emotions, ignore the facts, yet motivate people to buy the product. 
"Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, and revive me in Your way." Psalm 119:37
7. The main product marketed through this movie is a new belief system. This pagan ideology comes complete with trading cards, computer and other wizardly games, clothes and decorations stamped with HP symbols, action figures and cuddly dolls and audio cassettes that could keep the child's minds focused on the occult all day and into night. But in God's eyes, such paraphernalia become little more than lures and doorways to deeper involvement with the occult. In contrast, He calls a person "blessed" who -
  • "walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
  • nor stands in the path of sinners,
  • nor sits in the seat of the scornful [mockers];
"But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. Whatever he does shall prosper." Psalm 1:1-3
It might be hard to escape the symbols that remind people of Harry. His words and phrases help fuel today's cultural transformation:
The mainstream media uses the word "muggles" to deride those who don't want children to read Harry Potter books.

"A columnist from the Chicago Daily Herald used Harry-Speak.... He said that a particular NBC Olympics commentator was the 'dementor of the sports commentators.'"

"Coeur d'Alene, Idaho is going to name this year's snowstorms after the Harry Potter characters. The first blizzard of the year will be called Albus...."[4]

8. The implied source of power behind Harry's magical feats tend to distort a child's understanding of God. In the movie as in the books, words traditionally used to refer to occult practices become so familiar that children begin to apply the same terms to God and His promised strength. Many learn to see God as a power source that can be manipulated with the right kind of prayers and rituals -- and view his miracles as just another form of magic. They base their understanding of God on their own feelings and wants, not on His revelation of Himself.
"You thought that I was altogether like you; but I will rebuke you...." Psalm 50:21
9. Blind to the true nature of God, children will blend (synthesize) Biblical truth with pagan beliefs and magical practices. In the end, you distort and destroy any remnant of true Christian faith. For our God cannot be molded to match pagan gods.
“For My people have committed two evils:
They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters,
And hewn themselves cisterns—broken cisterns that can hold no water." Jeremiah 2:1
10. God tells us to "train up a child in the way He should go."  It starts with teaching them God's truths and training them all day long to see reality from His, not the world's perspective. To succeed, we need to shield them from contrary values until they know His Word and have memorized enough Scriptures to be able to recognize and resist deception. Once they have learned to love what God loves and see from His perspective, they will demonstrate their wisdom by choosing to say "no" to Harry Potter.
“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up." Deuteronomy 6:6-7
11. While some argue that Harry and his friends model friendship and integrity, they actually model how to lie and steal and get away with it. Their examples only add to the cultural relativism embraced by most children today who are honest when it doesn't cost anything, but who lie and cheat when it serves their purpose.
"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased [depraved] mind, to do those things which are not fitting.... They are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them." Romans 1:28-32
12. God has a better way. When His children choose to follow His ways, He gives them a heart to love Him, spiritual eyes that can understand and delight in His Word, a sense of His presence and a confidence in His constant care -- no matter what happens around us. Harry Potter's deceptive thrills are worse than worthless when compared to the wonderful riches our Shepherd promises those who will ignore evil and walk with Him. 
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things." Philippians 4:6-8

4. Harry Potter Special: Inside the Magical Magazine (Primedia, Inc., no date), pages 49-53. David Rockefeller ( if you do a "search" for "Rockefeller" on this website you would see the Rockefeller influence on education and global transformation), Vice-President, Financial Operations.

To help your child understand today's raging spiritual battles, read The Invisible War


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Thursday, July 28, 2011

FALSE TEACHING: Joel's Army Heretical Cult

Joel's Army and The Call Published on
Right Wing Watch
Source URL:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


 You would be wise to watch this, have your children and grandchildren watch this, and send it to all of your friends. That's, of course, only if you're interested in doing something wise :-)

by John MacArthur


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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

FALSE TEACHING: Roman Catholicism, Pope, Papacy

.... and Billy Graham 

John MacArthur
on Roman Catholicism

The Pope and The Papacy
Part 1

The Pope and The Papacy
 Part 2

The Pope and The Papacy
Part 3

The Pope and The Papacy
Part 4

The Pope and The Papacy
Part 5

The Pope and The Papacy
Part 6

The Pope and The Papacy
Part 7

The Pope and The Papacy
Part 8

The Pope and The Papacy
Part 9


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Monday, July 25, 2011

FALSE TEACHING: Prosperity Gospel Heresy

John MacArthur


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Sunday, July 24, 2011

FALSE TEACHING: Speaking in Tongues

John MacArthur:
Is Speaking in Tongues Demonic?
Satan's Counterfeit




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Saturday, July 23, 2011

FALSE PROPHETS:Joel Osteen & Rick Warren

"Choose ye this day whom ye will serve."
Joshua 24:15

The Church of Jesus Christ is in the process of SPLITTING -
the sheep from the goats

You and your church must choose: Jesus Christ or the antichrist. And that is beginning to happen in the major ministries and churches, a few who finally are beginning to take a stand against the antichrist church which is now forming within what were previously Christian churches.
John MacArthur Rebukes Joel Osteen
John MacArthur on The Purpose Driven Life
Jack Van Impe: Rick Warren & The One World Church ... 
PART 1 ... PART 2


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Friday, July 22, 2011

Will There Be Any Seminarians in Heaven?

The odds are against it - perhaps a very few from the olden days. 

If there were multitudes of seminarians (theology students) who were not only 1) born-again (the only kind of Christian), but were also 2) preaching God's Word, then there would be no need for the likes of me and a multitude of other watchman ministries working feverishly to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Would there?

If you will recall the watchmen of yore, they only arose when God's tabernacles (or churches) were corrupt through and through. God had to call on "seconds" to do the job. It's no different today than when Jesus went through the tabernacle with his whip. 

If your church is looking for a pastor, look for one who knows the BIBLE - not a seminary graduate who knows business and marketing and gets canned sermons off the internet.

Definitions of New Age/New World Religion Terms:

Contemplative Spirituality: A belief system that uses ancient mystical practices to induce altered states of consciousness (the silence) and is rooted in mysticism and the occult but often wrapped in Christian terminology. The premise of contemplative spirituality is pantheistic (God is all) and panentheistic (God is in all). Common terms used for this movement are "spiritual formation," "the silence," "the stillness," "ancient-wisdom," "spiritual disciplines," and many others.
Spiritual Formation: A movement that has provided a platform and a channel through which contemplative prayer is entering the church. Find spiritual formation being used, and in nearly every case you will find contemplative spirituality. In fact, contemplative spirituality is the heartbeat of the spiritual formation movement.


ACTS Seminaries of Trinity Western University
BC, Canada

Alberta Bible College
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Ambrose University
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

American Christian College & Seminary
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Anderson University
Anderson, IN

Anderson University
Anderson, SC

Ashland Theological Seminary
Ashland, OH

Assemblies of God Theological SeminaryValley Forge Christian College Branch Campus
Phoenixville, PA

Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
Lakeland, Florida

Azusa Pacific University
Haggard School of Theology
Azusa, CA

Baptist Theological Seminary of Southern Africa

Barclay College
Haviland, Kansas

Belmont University
Nashville, Tennessee

Bethel Seminary
San Diego, St. Paul, East Coast campus

Biola University
(Institute of Spiritual Formation)

aka: Talbot School of Theology
Briercrest Bible College 
Saskatchewan, Canada

Bryan College
Dayton, TN

Calvin College
Grand Rapids, MI

Campbellsville University
Campbellsville, KY

Canadian Mennonite University
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Carey Institute 
Vancouver, BC

Christian Theological Seminary
Indianapolis, IN

Cincinnati Bible Seminary
Cincinnati, OH

Columbia Theological Seminary (Presbyterian)
Decatur, GA

Colorado Christian University
Lakewood, CO

Cornerstone University
Grand Rapids, MI

Emmanuel Bible College
Kitchner, Ontario, CA

Emmanuel School of Religion
Johnson City, Tennessee

Fuller Theological Seminary
Various Campuses Throughout US

George Fox University Seminary
Newberg, Oregon
Gordon College
Wenham, Massachusetts

Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
South Hamilton, MA

Grace Theological Seminary
Winona Lake, IN
Greenville College
Greenville, IL

Hope College
Holland, MI
Hope International University (AKA: Pacific Christian College)
Fullerton, CA

Houghton College
Houghton, NY

Intervarsity Christian Fellowship NW
Portland, OR

John Brown University
Siloam Springs
, AR

John Wesley College
Dean: Dr. Dion Forster

Liberty University
Lynchburg, VA

Lipscomb University
Nashville, TN

Mars Hill Graduate School
Bothell, WA 98021

Milligan College
Milligan College, TN

Moody Bible Institute
Chicago, Illinois

New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
New Orleans, LA

Northern Baptist Theological Seminary
Lombard, IL

Northeastern Seminary
Rochester, NY

Northpark University
and Northpark Theological Seminary
(Evangelical Covenant Church)

Palm Beach Atlantic University
Palm Beach, Florida

Providence College and Seminary
Otterburne, Manitoba, Canada

 Regent College
Vancouver, BC

The above list plus detail can be found HERE.


Bob Jones University (South Carolina)
Boston Baptist College (Massachusetts)
Millar College (Sask, CA)

The above list plus detail can be found HERE


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